53. Stay-at-home dad

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Robin's POV

Robin soon developed a liking for the work at the ranch. John and Larry had moved the cattle to the pastures early in the morning and they were now cleaning the barn. You know, the stinky stuff that was splattered all over the floor since cows just dumped their waste wherever they felt like dumping it. Good for them, but cleaning it was a lot less pleasant. Fortunately, the floor was made with gaps in it, because apparently people had come up with uses for it so it had to be collected.

Cleaning the machinery was a lot easier for Robin, he cleaned houses. Peter helped him. He had been here a lot and was familiar with the work around here so he was able to take Robin along.

'You're so good at this, I think I should let you do the cleaning from now on,' Robin teased him.

'It's not like I can't do that,' Peter said, very focussed on one nasty spot. 'But you're very good at it. I wouldn't want to take away your chance to do something you're good at.'

Robin laughed, threatening to throw the filthy cloth at his head. 'You're right though. I don't mind doing chores, heck, it's literally part of my job. I'm basically some stay-at-home mom.'

'You could literally be one. A stay-at-home dad, I mean. You can clean, cook, nurse, take care of the kids and sleep in the same bed as me.'

'Whay does the last part have to do with it?' Robin protested.

'Well, if you're going to be the dad of my kids, that's what we should do, right?'

'Wha- oh.' Robin felt his face heating up rapidly as he realised what Peter was implying. Peter... and me... married? That was such an outrageous thought that he simply couldn't imagine it. Peter was just joking around, like he'd been doing all day, why was he now actually thinking about... no! Stop it, Robin.

Peter was meanwhile just staring at him, a smug smile on his face. Robin needed to get himself together. 'Stop messing around,' he mumbled. 'Do you want to get it done before the end of the morning or not?'

'That will be a piece of cake,' Peter scoffed, but he continued cleaning anyway. 'But the question is: would you mind?'

'Mind what?'

'Being their stay-at-home dad.'

'Oh my god, shut up!' Robin whisper-yelled. 'I already regret going with you. I want city-Peter back.'

'Oh, you'll get used to it,' Peter said, still grinning. 'We have two weeks.'


At lunch time, the four of them took off their overalls and entered the house, Robin and Peter immediately dropping themselves in front of the fireplace, getting comfortable. 'City peeps,' John scoffed. 'Can't handle anything.'

Peter didn't bother to respond, he picked up David who had climbed onto the couch, and hugged him. 'Did you have fun with granny and Felicia?' The younger nodded, then rubbed his face against Peter's chest. He did that when he was tired. Time for his afternoon nap.

'We played in the haystacks!' Felicia announced, standing in front of Robin.

'I can see that,' Robin said, plucking a few straws from her hair carefully, before taking her on his lap. 'Hm, you're warm.'

Felicia giggled, wriggling around on his lap as she gave him a detailed account of everything they had done this morning, before Mrs Anderson called them over for lunch.


After lunch, Robin set up his paint apparel outside and looked around for the best view. He decided to go for the cows in the grassland. It was cloudy, the sky was grey and the green balanced that out a bit. At this distance, he also didn't need to add a lot of details yet. He sat on a chair in front of his canvas and got started.

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