4. Cute

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On wednesday, Peter was home early, around 2PM. David was asleep, while Felicia was at the table colouring a drawing, the tip of her tongue poking out. She hadn't even noticed Peter had come in. Peter stood behind her, leaning over, and put a hand on her shoulder. 'Hi, my little butterfly.'

'Daddy!' Felicia turned around and smiled. 'Look, Robin made a drawing for me. This is you, this is David, and this is me. We are fairies!'

Robin had kept the drawing rather simple, but Peter could still see the proportions were just right and it was obvious whom represented whom. Robin could draw well. 

'That's a beautiful drawing.' he said.

'Yes, and I'm colouring it.' Felicia took the purple coloured pencil and started on the dress of the fairy in the middle, with Felicia's features. 'Robin also drew me another picture. After I finish this one, I will colour that one.' She took another drawing and showed it to Peter. It showed Robin and Felicia walking in a flowery field together, with a lot of butterflies. 

'I requested it.' Felicia giggled. 'I like butterflies. And I like Robin too.'

Peter glanced at the boy sitting diagonally opposite to Felicia with a pencil between his fingers, drawing. He had only greeted Peter when he came in before focussing on the picture again. The movements of his hand were smooth and his raven hair fell in front of his face, hiding his eyes. His lips were slightly parted as he leaned over the paper slightly, totally immersed in what he was doing. 

Peter smiled subconsciously. He looked cute.

He walked over to the boy and watched what he was drawing. It was a figure of a young man sitting on the edge of a cliff, stargazing. Even though the figure was only a small part of the drawing, Peter recognized it. It was Robin himself, who was admiring the night sky and feeling small compared to it. 

'You're really talented at drawing.' he said. 

Robin got startled by him and dropped his pencil. He wanted to pick it up, but Peter was faster. He handed back the pencil. 'Are you free today?'

Robin nodded. 'I'm always free. Your kids are my only occupation.'

His words held a sense of loneliness, but Peter decided not to ask. 'Then, do you want to stay here until tonight? We can get to know each other as well. After all, I'm the father of these kids, and I have entrusted them to you.'

Robin smiled. 'Sure!' He closed his scetchbook.

'Is that yours?' Peter asked. Robin nodded. 'Hm.'

'So, you like drawing?' 

'Yeah...' Robin nodded shyly. 'It's a hobby of mine.'

'It's a nice hobby, and you're really good at it.' Peter said. 'Do you have any other hobbies,  by the way?'

'Hmm, just spending time with children and cooking, really. And I love to watch the stars and go for walks at night.'

'I really like that too.' Peter walked to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. 'What do you want to drink?'

'I'd like some orange juice.' Robin said.

'Me too, daddy.' Felicia said, not looking up from the drawing.


'So, for how long have you been living alone again?' Peter asked Robin as they sat on the couch together, Felicia still colouring the fairy drawing at the kitchen table. 

'Just a month, honestly.' Robin said. 'I used to live with my uncle, but he didn't have much money. I didn't want to burden him, so I worked until I earned enough money to move out.'

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