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House Redfort 297 AC (before the war began).


She had disappeared, just plain up and disappeared. One day she was just where she had always been and the next, Mya and her mother were gone. He found he couldn't concentrate, each day in training he'd be beaten easily and at his meals, he barely ate. So when the letter came from Myranda Royce of all people, Mychel gathered his things and rode quickly to the Gate's of the Moon, before making his way to the Eyrie.

Traveling through Stone, Snow, and Sky, the fact that Mya wasn't here only hit him even more deeply. No one could move across the treacherous paths as she could, he used to jape with her that she was more steady on her feet than any of the mules she led were. When he finally reached the Eyrie itself, Mychel felt almost scared of what he'd find. Had some harm come to her? Was she hurt? Worse? No, he'd not think like that, he couldn't. Mya, wherever she was, would be unharmed, please gods let her be unharmed he thought as he was welcomed into the keep.

Myranda was in her element, running the keep far better and with more grace than Lady Lysa ever had. Knowing the woman herself wasn't here was at least something he could be grateful for. The thoughts of seeing her feed her son from her teat, not something he wished to dwell on. He made his presence known to Lord Nestor and then waited for Myranda to have time to speak to him. Something which took far longer than he had expected.

"Mychel, come with me." she said after he'd been sitting watching as her father listened to petitions for some hours.

He followed her down the hall and into a small room, each step making him focus on her face to see if she seemed ready to give him upsetting news. That she appeared to be relaxed and her usual boisterous self brought him some hope that the news wasn't to be the very worst. Though why it was her that was bringing it to him still made him wonder, she and Mya had been friendly but never true friends.

"Take a seat Mychel, we've much to discuss." Myranda said and he did as she bid.

"Mya?" he asked worriedly.

"Is safe and well, but before we speak of her I must speak to you of Domeric." Myranda said.

"Domeric?" he asked wondering what his friend had to do with this.

"You know how Domeric and I feel about one another?" she asked and he nodded "And you know that me being a steward's daughter and he being his father's heir, as much as we wish it, it could never be?"

"Aye, I know." he said sympathetically.

"Yet you believe your father will allow you and Mya to marry?" she asked.

"I..I…love her." he said stumbling over his words.

"As I love Domeric and he loves me, as Mya loves you." Myranda said and despite the situation, Mychel found himself smiling briefly. They'd never said it to anyone but each other, so for Myranda to know meant that Mya had confided in her.

"I would go against my father for her." he said though not as firmly as he may have.

"As would Dom for me, Mychel, but saying it is not the same as doing it and in the end, both of you would do as your father's bid." she said a little sadly.

He was on the verge of protesting but found he could not, as much as he wished to believe he would do as he said, he knew deep down that in the end duty would win over love, it usually did. As he looked up to Myranda though he could see that she seemed happy as if she knew something that he did not.

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