2.4K 65 37

Casterly Rock 297 AC.


The Lion's Roar stopping off in King's Landing wasn't strange and was timely, Richard glad to see the captain switching his journey with one of the other ships and taking him directly to the West. It cut the traveling time down by almost a moon and so it was a little over three weeks after Viserys's execution, that he arrived in Lannisport.

He rode straight from the city to Casterly Rock, didn't even bother to send word ahead that he'd arrived, as he knew his king would wish to speak to him immediately. He was proved right and was shown through the vaults and out onto the beach. Jors leading him to where Jae was sparring in the sand with Arthur, both of them moving quicker than he thought possible. Standing there with Jors he watched and waited until they were done and saw Jae look to him and smile before walking over to him, Arthur following behind.

"Richard, it's good to see you." Jae said.

"You too my king, I came as quickly as I could.".

"It's much appreciated Richard, have you eaten?" Jae asked.


"Come let's eat, we've a lot to talk about.".

They walked back up the beach and into the vaults and Richard was surprised when they took the lift to the family wing. Inside it was empty and they sat down and had food brought to them. There wasn't much said as they ate, Jae asking him how he was and letting him know that Wyman and his brother were here. Something which he'd already known but even had he not it would have been proved true a few moments later anyway.

"Lord Wyman." Jae said as the lord of White Harbor walked in and took a seat.

"Jon, Richard." Wyman said as he began to eat his own meal.

Wyman too didn't speak much, simply talking about how he'd expected Jae to ride with the others that morn, Jae saying he'd been expecting Richard and wished to get straight to work. That surprised Richard some, though he had sent word he was on the Lion's Roar, he had not expected them to know when he would be arriving. Once he'd finished Jae said his goodbyes to Wyman for now and Richard followed him as he took the lift back down to the vaults.

"How did you know I'd arrive today Jon?" he asked worried he'd been compromised.

"I've been looking for you along the route Richard, using birds to find you. Once I did I knew when the Lion's Roar would arrive and so I waited for you." Jae said.

"You can do that?" he asked surprised not by the warging but that he could stay in something long enough to find him.

"You'd be surprised what I can do Richard." Jae said closing his eyes "Right now Ghost is running with his brother ahead of all the others, Loras and Robb have just been beaten in a race by Joy and Cregan has been teasing them over it making Wylla and Wynafred laugh." Jae said.

"It's that easy for you?" Richard asked.

"With Ghost, or with any animal I've already warged into it's almost instant, with others it takes a little longer to make the connection, and the further I need to go the more I have to concentrate." Jae said.

"You don't need me, you could warg into almost any castle or keep you wish to." he said only half japing.

"And I'd still find out less than you do Richard. I can warg into multiple things, but I can't be everywhere, even with this and the Glass Candles it's not enough, though I do have something that may help you in your work." Jae said as they stepped from the lift.

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