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Jon had barely slept all night, the nervous excitement he'd felt had been overwhelming, it was only after Jaime had come to see him that he'd managed to fall asleep. Now though it was time to wake up, Joy would be up early and he wished to see her before he made his way to Lannisport. He was glad Gerion would be bringing her along to the duels, but he hoped she'd have a small nap before then.

He got up and washed before dressing, he'd taken a bath yesterday and would no doubt need one today but a quick wash was all he'd give himself time to do. As he dressed he looked to the small thin sword, he hoped he'd get away with not using it until he planned, but it depended on the draw. He made his way down to Joy's room and hoped she'd be awake.

"Yon." he smiled as he entered, to find her wide awake and waiting for him.

"Morning, Joy," he said as he held his hands out for her.

"Mon Yon, boo-boo." she lifted her arm were a small bruise had formed.

He lifted her up in his arms and kissed the bruise making her giggle, "Now boo-boo all better."

"Beller," she said as he tickled her making her laugh.

They walked down the corridor together making their way down to break their fast, this was one of his favourite activities of the day, playing with the little girl when she woke, usually, he'd spar with Jaime first thing and then clean himself and make his way to Joy's room, before breaking their fast together.

But Jaime had told him when he visited the night before to get some extra sleep and he'd see him later, he and Tyrion had already left to meet the Tyrell's in Lannisport so it'd only be him and Joy for breakfast, Gerion doing Jaime's lordly work until he too left for the tourney. The serving girl Laena smiled at him and Joy and went to get their meal.


Jaime was nervous, Tyrion and Jon had dealt with the north and while he'd dealt with the lords of the west and with Lord Arryn, this was different, today he'd be dealing with the queen of thorns herself. He and Tyrion sat waiting for their uncle before they made their way over to meet with the Tyrell's, his father would never have gone to them, he'd have made them come to him, met them at the rock, his domain, but Jaime's goals were different.

"Is everything set for tonight?" he turned and asked his brother.

"Yes, both feast's are well organized and the new girls I had serve the king last night were much appreciated," Tyrion replied.

"Good work brother."

He watched as Tyrion smiled, his brother had done an excellent job, they'd gotten the trade deal with the north, although Tyrion gave Jon a the credit for that, but the arena, the feasts all of that had been Tyrion and he was proud of the work he'd done, finally, Kevan arrived.

"Ah good, if your ready uncle, we have a ways to go," Jaime said with a smirk.

"Why do we have to go to them, surely they should be coming here to meet with us." his uncle said clearly agitated.

"Why uncle if you'd rather not, I'm sure Tyrion and I can handle things."

"No, no, it's fine, I'm ready let's go," Kevan said quickly.

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