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Tyrion waited anxiously in the courtyard, he stood beside his uncle Kevan and aunt Genna, as he looked around he could see so many people waiting for their new Lord to arrive, for Tyrion though he was just so excited to see his brother again. He hoped that now his brother was Lord things would be different, perhaps he'd be appreciated instead of scorned or perhaps that was too much to hope for, he was losing himself in those thoughts when he heard the sound of horses at the gates.

There he was finally, his brother looked just as he remembered except he looked happier somehow, confused Tyrion noticed you boy Jaime was speaking to, no not speaking to joking with, both were laughing happily, a pang of jealousy went straight to his heart, Who was this boy who could make his brother laugh so?. He watched as they finally stopped and got off the horses, his uncle Gerion smiling and patting the boy on the back as they made their way over to him.

"Casterly Rock is your's my Lord," Kevan said in a booming voice.

"Uncle, it's good to be home." he heard Jaime reply before he saw his brother moved towards him.

"Brother, it's good to see you," Tyrion said a large smile on his face.

"Tyrion." Jaime smiled a beaming smile before bending down and throwing his arms around him, he whispered into his ear "I've missed you brother, I've missed you so much."

Tyrion felt his heart expand in his chest, he had always been closest with Jaime, he and uncle Gerion were the only ones who openly disapproved of how his father treated him and both always went out of they're way to let him know that small though he might be, he was as much of a lion as either of them.

"Aunt Genna." he heard his brother say as he moved to embrace his aunt, he had always been more closed off with his emotions and Tyrion wondered if the death of his father was the reason for his sudden change. As he noticed the young boy nervously watching he again wondered who he was and why he was here, he looked northern to Tyrion's eyes but what would his brother be doing with a northern boy.

"Friend's it's good to be home, I shall endeavour to be as good as Lord of Casterly Rock as my father and vow that we shall all prosper under my stewardship."

They walked inside and headed to the hall of heroes to pay their respects, Jaime, Kevan and Gerion leading the way as Aunt Genna had been asked by Jaime to find suitable accommodation in the family wing for his new page. Jon Snow he said the boy's name was and to say Tyrion was intrigued would be an understatement, a new page was to be expected it to be a northern bastard was shocking as was rooming him in the family wing, but finding out whose bastard he was proved to be the biggest shock of all.

"Who's is the young boy?" his uncle Kevan asked.


"Jon?" his uncle questioned.

"Yes, Jon Snow my new page."

"You took a bastard as a page."

"I took a boy as my page, which side of the sheets he was born on is irrelevant."

"But he's a bastard."

"A Lord's bastard, he's Eddard Starks natural son."

Tyrion watched as his uncle looked at Jaime incredulously he had to admit he felt the same, although the reality of the boys birth was only part of the reason.

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