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The last two days had been a nightmare after he had told Jon the truth the boy had asked him to leave and had since stayed in his room and refused to see anyone, not even Joy had been allowed to see him. He knew that the news he'd given him was life-changing, that he'd spun the world on its axis and now he was starting to regret both the way he did it and the mere fact he'd done it at all. He had tried his best to break the news gently, but the shock of it, of everything, was obviously weighing heavily on Jon.

He too had closed himself off, though not as much as Jon had, he'd taken his meals as normal and tried to appear as if nothing was on his mind. But he was fooling no one and if things didn't change soon, he knew he'd have to answer questions he just wasn't ready for. Tyrion and Genna were already beginning to question him and Gerion wouldn't be too far behind, he went over the moment he told Jon the truth in his mind constantly, trying to figure out if he could have been more gentle with it.

"Are you my father?"

"No, Jon I'm not, but your more a son to me than any I could ever have."

"Then who?"

"Your father was Rhaegar Targaryen, your mother Lyanna Stark."

Jon looked at him before his shoulders slumped, it took him a moment to realize what may be going through the boys head.

"No Jon, it wasn't like that, they were in love, they married," Jaime said quickly.

"But how, what about Princess Elia?"

"I'm not certain Jon, but there's a letter both from her and your mother, I'm sure there are answers there."

"Where's the letter, my lord?"

Jaime moved to the chest and opened it.

"Your mother kept these things for you Jon it's your birthright," Jaime said as he took the letters out and handed them to him.

"What's that?" Jon said picking up the cloth-covered sword,

"It's your Jon, from your father," Jaime said as Jon uncovered Dark Sister.

"Is this?"

"Aye Jon, Dark Sister, the blade wielded by Visenya herself."

He watched as the boy looked at the blade, the same awe and reverence on his face that he himself had no doubt shown when he saw it. Finally, Jon put the sword down and Jaime handed him the cloak, he turned it over in his hands, his fingers lightly caressing the wolf sigil.

"Your mother's maiden cloak," Jaime said and saw Jon's eyes begin to tear up.

He turned away and picked up the dragon egg and held it in his hands while Jon looked at the cloak when he eventually put the cloak down, he handed him the egg.

"Is this a dragon egg?" Jon asked as he took the egg in his hands.

"Aye, it is?"

"It's warm and it's moving," Jon said shocking Jaime.

"Are you sure?"

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