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Casterly Rock 294 AC.


Creylen's hand was nothing more than a bloody stump, while Ghost hadn't taken it completely he'd done the next best thing and the hand would never be used again, not that it mattered Creylen would not live through this night. The Maester had screamed louder than any man should and when Oberyn had burned the hand to stem the blood flow he had passed out. Though they didn't allow him the respite of unconsciousness for long, waking him, he looked at them all hatefully but his laughing had stopped for good.

"Ghost." Jon said and the wolf moved forward again before the man shook his head and cried and Jon stopped the wolf a few steps later "Now you'll tell us everything, every last piece of knowledge you have about what you and your friends have been up to."

"I will, I will, please keep the wolf away from me." Creylen cried out.

"One lie, one omission and Ghost continues and this time I swear he won't stop at just a hand." Jon said and Creylen nodded frantically.

Oberyn looked at Jon impressed, while Genna even through her rage showed some concern, Tyrion though just stared blankly at the Maester and he found his own concern torn between his brother and his king. When Jon turned to him and nodded before he walked over to whisper in Tyrion's ear though he saw his brother's expression change. Tyrion left the room and walked to one of the guards sending them to fetch some parchment.

It took most of the night for Creylen to get through his part in things, their mother's murder, stoking hatred in his father for the dragons, though Jaime knew it only added to his father's own, and in the end nothing would have swayed his father's actions. One of the most surprising revelations was that he destroyed a letter from their mother to their father, a letter accepting a betrothal offer from Oberyn's mother for his marriage to Elia.

His other actions in Casterly Rock were more benign, steering certain trade disputes a particular way to force his father to be even more severe in dealing with them. He though hadn't been the Maester during the Reyne's and Tarbecks rebellion, which Jaime was disappointed about, hoping for one of his father's worst acts to be laid at the Maester's feet. With Tyrion, he had whispered subtly in his father's ear stoking his disdain and hatred for his brother and Jaime placed his hand on Tyrion's shoulder when they heard him say it.

While he didn't have much to do with the actual conspiracy to take down the dragons, other than his position at Casterly Rock, he knew some of it, though a lot of it was no doubt a guess based on certain events. The pregnancies, the stirring of bad feeling towards them throughout the realm, while they hadn't instigated the plotting of Jon Arryn or others they had fueled it and tried to benefit from it. But their hatred and desire to get rid of Jon's family and the dragons in particular ran far deeper than any of them knew.

"The Shepard was one of us, a Maester who lost his chain and claimed the faith, but he was our man and the Storming of the Dragonpit our finest hour until Duskendale." Creylen said and Jon just glared at him.

"You were involved in Duskendale?" Jon asked.

"Denys Darklyn was a weak man with an ambitious wife, a few choice words whispered in her ear by their Maester and she was repeating them loudly and over time more insistently to her husband. With Tywin as Hand he'd not accept dissension and what they asked for, and so a plan was formed."

"So you plotted to have my grandfather imprisoned?" Jon said and Creylen nodded.

"We did more than that, Duskendale broke Aerys, but have you ever asked yourselves why, he wasn't treated as badly as most prisoners and yet he broke there."

The Dragon Cub| Game Of Thrones जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें