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Winterfell 293 AC.


He was sitting in his solar when Alyn knocked at the door with the news that Jon's party had been spotted, nodding to his guard he called for Vayon to ready the household to welcome them. He found himself both excited and terribly nervous to meet Jon again after the four years the boy had been away from home. What would his boy be like? Had he changed? Did he know the truth?. These and other thoughts were racing through his head as he walked down towards the courtyard.

When word had come to him of the things Jon did he had felt so proud of his boy, to see him reach his potential was more than he ever dared to dream, but it also brought with it the same worries it always had. Fame brought notice, notice brought questions and should Robert ever begin to ask the right questions, then Jon's life and by extension Ned's and his families was in danger. But it seemed that Jon deeds didn't really attract that attention and Ned had breathed a sigh of relief, while then having to deal with the other problems they brought.

Cat consistently and continually complained about the boy as she called him, never his name and never where he could hear it had she called Jon a bastard, but he had no doubt she had done so. As news arrived at Winterfell about Jon's achievements and despite his own reassurances, Cat had been convinced this was a master plan to take Winterfell from Robb. Something that Ned knew in his heart would be the last thing Jon would ever do, besides if Jon ever set his sights on taking what was rightfully his, Winterfell wouldn't be the prize he sought.

He smiled as he saw his children line up in the yard to await the arrival, Sansa looked resplendent as always and little Arya looked eager for a new experience while Bran looked nervous and Robb and Theon were laughing and Japing as usual. His wife though looked as if she was fit to burst, her features were schooled but he knew that at some point he'd hear it yet again, he sighed as he looked at her. In all their years of marriage the only disagreements they had that were in any way serious were the ones when Jon was brought up, he had only ever lost his temper with her when they spoke of his boy.

"Father are they really here?" Sansa asked excitedly.

"Aye, my love they are." Ned said as he heard the hoof beats on the pathway to the keep.

He looked to the gate as he took his place beside his wife, he saw the blond hair of Jaime Lannister and a brown haired boy beside him and then he saw a sight he'd never expected to see in Winterfell. The white wolf was enormous and he could hear the gasps all around when people saw it, a Direwolf, it was true his son had a Direwolf, Ned couldn't stop the smile that appeared on his face then.

It was mere moments later that he saw him, Jon had grown both taller and it seemed he'd filled out more. His hair was longer than he'd expected and when he saw him look towards his family and saw the smile that appeared on his face it was like an arrow to his heart, it was his sister's smile. As he watched them dismount and walk towards them he felt his heart race, his mouth suddenly dry.

"Lord Jaime welcome to Winterfell. "Ned said with a nod.

"I thank you Lord Stark, but we both know it's not I you wish to see." Jaime said with a smirk.

"Lord Stark." Jon said with a nod and Ned frowned at the formality.

"Jon welcome home son." Ned said and waited for a friendlier response which didn't come as Jon instead introduced the other boy.

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