2.7K 85 25

Highgarden 294 AC.


How she had controlled her anger was a testament to her grandmother's training, to her education and to the fact that Sansa was as angry as she was. She had stormed off eager to be away from the woman, to not have to look at her. Sansa had followed and both of them had raged about Catelyn Stark and what she had said about Jon for almost an hour, before realizing it had done neither of them any good.

That night she had ignored the woman at dinner, as had Sansa, then when she had gone back to her room she had lain on her bed looking at the drawing and felt the rage both return and calm at the same time. One day the realm would know the truth of Jon, they'd know, as she did already, that his name was as true as his heart, as true as he was.

Sansa broke her fast with her and her grandmother the next morning, leaving Lady Catelyn to break hers with her mother and father. Then they had gone to lessons and it was while they were waiting for the tutor in the yard that Lady Catelyn had found them, her voice calm even though the displeased look on her face was anything but.

"Sansa, what are you doing sweetling?"

"I'm having my lesson mother." Sansa said and Margaery almost chuckled at the look on Catelyn's face.

"Lesson, out here, what lessons can you do out here?"

"My knife lessons." Sansa said turning away and taking out the small training knife from th rack the training swords and armor were kept on.

Truth be told that wasn't even what they'd come out here for, more they were going to learn about the plants and flowers, about the use of them and how certain ones could be used for tea, or for headaches and other aches. But Sansa upon seeing her mother couldn't resist the urge to annoy her and Margaery found herself liking her friend even more for it.

"You're being taught to use a blade?" Catelyn asked her face crumpled up as she frowned.

"She is Lady Catelyn, just as I have been."

"You've been taught to use a blade?" Catelyn said her voice scandalized.

"I have my lady."

"But you are a lady, it's not ladylike to learn such a thing."

"Jon thinks it's very ladylike doesn't he Margaery." Sansa said and she could have hugged the girl for the look that then appeared on her mother's face.

"He does indeed, Sansa, he's so considerate that way." she said and put, even more, affect in her voice overdramatizing her swoon some as she spoke.

They both waited until Lady Catelyn stormed off, eager no doubt to giver her mother or father a piece of her mind, gods help the woman if she tried to do so to her grandmother. As soon as she was out of sight both she and Sansa turned to each other and broke out in laughter, both of them soon standing there with tears running from their eyes as they had laughed so much.

"That was so fun, you are mean when you want to be." she said and Sansa giggled after calming some.

"She shouldn't have said what she did about Jon."

"No, she should not."

"Come, let's go to our real lessons." Sansa said and she nodded.

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