2.7K 75 36

Dorne 298 AC.


He read the letter, again and again, the offer it carried was intriguing and Doran would be a liar if he said he didn't find it so. Yet numbers were the key and so after asking for a quill, ink, and some parchment, he began to work them out. Each way he played this out in his head they just didn't have the numbers, but the offer of the marriage gave him far more than Jaehaerys did.

That the Darkstar had failed was annoying, that he'd been so overly dramatic in how he'd gone about things, Doran should have expected. Thankfully though everyone knew how he felt about Ser Gerold and so no one would look his way. Still, had the man just done the damn thing right then this would be so much easier. Putting the quill down he picked up the letter once more, reading it again as he tried to decide what to do.

Prince Doran,

I write to you with news that I hope will lift a weight that you've been carrying ever since the events in the Red Keep, during the rebellion. The truth of that day my prince is one that I've needed to keep secret for reasons you'll soon understand. Your sister Princess Elia was a brave and strong woman and she knew the dangers she faced, that her children faced.

She tried to save them both but Rhaenys was too well known to all in the Red Keep and Aegon being just a babe was far easier to switch. So with the help of Lord Varys a decision was made, if she couldn't get both her children out, then she'd ensure she got her son to safety. She'd ensure that one day he could rise and if need be avenge his mother and sister or if things played out differently, reunite with them.

Which is where I came in to play my part, Lord Varys sought my help and so I raised the boy in safety. Bringing in Jon Connington to act his protector and teacher. Always with the idea of bringing him back when the timing was right. Many times over the years I considered reaching out to you my prince, Aegon wished to see his family and I know seeing him would have brought you comfort. But even unknown as he was, the knives kept coming for your nephew and his protection was something I deemed to be more important than his wishes at that time. If you feel the need to blame someone for these lost years then I ask you to blame me and not Aegon, in this he had no choice.

Each year I planned and readied myself for the right time to bring Aegon home. I enlisted the Golden Company, ingratiated myself with the fat stag, and even went so far as to offer him up Viserys so I could be close enough to strike. The time has come my prince and I now have him where I wish. Aegon is ready to strike the final blow against the Stag and the Golden Company stands ready to strike down this pretender to his throne.

It is time to bring your family together my prince, for Aegon to reunite with his kin and for Dornish spears to rise to see the son of Princess Elia on the throne. I am ready to do whatever it is you wish of me to see it done, but Aegon's line must continue and to that end, I make you this offer. A crown for your daughter my prince, let Martell blood be united on the throne as it should be.

I await your answer in hopeful eagerness, I pray it's the right one and that it comes quickly for Aegon marches to battle with or without his kin. I'd prefer it was with them my prince, or I fear we march in vain.

Illyrio Mopatis,

Hand to his grace King Aegon Targaryen the Sixth of his Name.

He called for some wine and began to look down on the numbers once more. In the end, they were irrelevant and it would be the dragons that decided this war. His fingers began to drum against the paper, Areo standing watching silently as always. After the servant came he sipped the wine and found himself contemplating the way forward, what to do, what to do? He thought to himself as he looked at the numbers once more, the letter once again. Before he began writing frantically, the letters and the raven scroll carrying his orders to where they were needed.

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