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The road to Winterfell was rough and the terrain dreary but Jaime didn't mind, he actually quite liked the peacefulness of the empty spaces of the north besides comparing to the grey waste that was the Iron Islands anything was an improvement. It had been less than two moons since his life had changed, he probably should have headed home with the rest of the Westerlands forces considering he was their new Warden, but the thoughts of having to see his father's body and the inevitable looks he'd have faced from the Lords of the west was something he wasn't ready for just yet.

So to Winterfell, it was, he'd been surprised when Stark had asked if he wished to accompany the king, surprised even more when for some reason he agreed "Thank you, Lord Stark, I think I will" he enjoyed the stunned expression on the wolfs face. They were to stay for only a short time, a boon to Stark no doubt having the king in his keep, from there on to White Harbor and home, his father's body to be laid to rest in the hall of heroes' beside his forefathers.

He had written to Tyrion to explain what had happened, telling him that he would return soon and was sorry that he couldn't come quicker, he could have of course but for some reason, he wished to go to Winterfell "what a strange world we live in" he said aloud to the bemusement of the two guards nearest him.

As they crested a hill the castle came into view, large and grey but very impressive, the walls and towers looked ancient but sturdy, he looked to the front of the procession to see Stark and the King laughing and joking with one another, just kiss already he thought as a smile appeared on his face.

When they entered the castle he saw what must have been every single resident awaiting their liege lord and king, almost as one they dropped to their knees, "Winterfell is yours my lord, and yours your Grace" stumbling over his words the man looked as uncomfortable as could be, the long serious face of the Stark's evident, don't these people ever smile he thought, before the man showed he could "Benjen, it's good to see you brother", he watched as the Stark's embraced, his thoughts going out to his little brother alone in Casterly Rock, soon Tyrion soon.

"Rise all of you and Welcome your Lord home, we dealt the squids a mighty defeat and your Lord was at the very heart of it" the king boomed across the courtyard, "Cat you look as beautiful as ever" a tall auburn headed woman blushed as the king kissed her hand "and this, this must be your boy, a fine Warden of the north he'll make one day, won't ya lad" the king brushed his hand on the shoulder of a young auburn headed boy as his mother looked on proudly.

"Your grace, my lord, perhaps we should take this inside, the weather seems about to turn" Catelyn turned to the small little Girl beside her, she too auburn headed like her mother "Sansa won't you say hello to your father" the girl shyly looked up before yelping in joy as Ned pulled her up and swung her around, a little girls laughter filled the courtyard and once again I was in place I wished not to be, "where's Balerion princess, he's hiding father, oh shall we find him then, no father no tickles.", I felt the tears welling in my eyes so quickly turned around and walked to my horse.

As Jaime was escorted to his room he noticed a small dark-haired boy swinging a sword at a straw dummy, his form was terrible but the strength he was showing was surprising before he realized the boy was angry and taking it out on the nearest available object, "Keep your chin up boy" the boy looked at him and for a second he thought he saw purple in his eyes but he realized he was mistaken, as the grey-eyed boy looked at him "I'm sorry Sir, I didn't mean any offence" he dropped the wooden sword and sloped off towards the stables "don't worry lad, none gave" but he was already out of sight.

The feast that night was a dull affair, sure the northerners had a different way of feasting than those in the south and the king was in his usual boisterous mood, manhandling serving girls and getting drunker by the second, the only satisfaction Jaime got was seeing Stark's disapproval aimed at someone other than him, his wife was sitting beside him with a thunderous look on her face. Surprisingly though it didn't seem to be the king's behaviour causing that look, instead, it was focused on something at the back of the hall or more precisely someone.

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