Chapter 20: All Uchiha men are ruthless

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The man who held her tightly to his body started to take quick steps backwards, dragging her along. She struggled to get out of his grip, her hands pulling his forearms from her but failing miserably. Her legs kicked left and right but she was lifted off the ground. The height difference between her and her kidnapper came as a disadvantage to her. She knew that she learned how to defend herself but her brain was feozen with fear and the only thing that guided her movements was her survival instinct that kicked in. Her desperate cry for help was muffled by his hand. Tears left her eyes, only to make the man behind her chuckle. She felt the vibration of his chest against her back.

People were coughing left and right and they paid no mind to the petite girl that was dragged in the back of the building against her will.

The screams and the panick were swallowed by the silence of the night as soon as the man holding her opened the back door. The chilly air of Iceland hit her face, bringing her back to reality. The dizziness caused by the smoke started to vanish.

"I- ngh..." she gathered her power to speak but all she could say were incoherent words.

The man behind her took his hand off but still kept his tight grip on her.

The light of a car came into view, blinding Sakura for a second. She thought that maybe whoever was in the car could save her.

"Madara, you caused quite a mess back there!" an extremly pale guy with long and black hair adressed to the man holding her. He licked his lips and smirked.

Sakura's eyes widened in shock and horror upon hearing the familiar name that Itachi mentioned. It was him. Possibly the most dangerous and powerful man from the US. According to her husband, he could get away with anything. He had the whole clan at his pinky finger and was involved in some shady and corrupt businesses with the government. He was untouchable. Sooner or later he would get his way.

"I like to make an entrance, Orochimaru." Madara chuckled.

She felt his long hair touching her cheek while he moved.

The man named Orochimaru tapped the black Audi with his palm and motioned for Madara to get in.

He turned Sakura to face him. His black eyes were so similar to Itachi's and his hair was long and rich. He wore a black suit and a white buttoned shirt which was unbuttoned at it's first three buttons. He would be so attractive if he wouldn't be a complete villain.

"You're coming with us." He told her in his raspy voice. He gripped her wrists tightly, making her squeal.

Madara opened the car door and pushed Sakura inside. He climbed next to her.

The pinkette rubbed her wrists, trying to make the pain fade. She will surely get some bruises until tomorrow. That if she had a tomorrow.

Her whole body shivered at the thought.


Itachi took out his phone and quickly dialed Sasuke. His little brother picked up after only two rings.


"Sasuke, Madara found us."

Sasuke pushed himself from the bed quickly, rubbing the sleep off his face. "What?" He asked panicked.

"Yes, I'm afraid that he has Sakura. She is nowhere to be found." Anger was raising in his voice. He flipped a table made of glass using only one hand. The table shattered. Several people who were coughing and tried to crawl outside, threw him suspicious looks but he couldn't give less of a fuck.

The smoke was dimishing but he paid no mind to anything around him.

"I'm coming there. I'll take dad's jet." Sasuke announced, starting to get dressed. "Don't go there on your own, brother."

"You know I can't promise that, Sasuke. Who knows what they will do to her if I don't hurry." Itachi said in his weak voice.


"You don't have to do this. Me and Itachi will divorce anyway once the things are settled." Sakura gathered the courage to talk.

Madara chuckled "You are married to him yet you know him less than we do."

"What do you mean?" She asked confused.

"Itachi isn't the type to give up such an opportunity. Divorcing you would mean less credibility for him in business from the public eye. They would suspect that this was all a scam and he wouldn't risk that."

Sakura shook her head "You are wrong. Itachi is not as ruthless as all of you make him seem."

"Oh, sweetheart. All Uchiha men are ruthless. It's in our blood."

Sakura turned her face away from him. In the corner of her eye, she noticed the door handle. The car was going at a high speed but really, some injuries would be better than whatever expects her next.

"Don't even think about it." Madara raised his voice, making her jump sightly in fear.

The car came to a stop and Sakura looked out of the window, expecting to see a dungeon but to her surprise, it was a auite fancy mansion. Why would he bring her in such an obvious place she wondered, unless his goal was to actually be found.

Her eyes widened at the realization. She was not the target. Itachi was.

She was dragged out of the car, up the stairs until they reached the front door. They were opened by a grey haired guy who wore round glasses. He smirked.

"Lady Uchiha!" He mocked her.

Madara pulled her inside by her forearm making her ankle twist sightly because of the heels she was wearing. She stumbled and fell on the concrete floor.

Madara looked down at her. "Get up, woman."

She got up and hissed in pain.

Madara dragged his palm across his face in frustration.

He put an arm under her thighs and one on her back and lifted her bridal style.

"She really does get all the Uchihas." Orochimaru mocked.

Madara started climbing the stairs and went down a hallway until he reached a secured room. It required a code so you can access it so he took his hand off her back for a few seconds to press the six letter password. With a bip, the electric, metal door opened revealing a bedroom that took Sakura by surprise. This isn't how she expected to be treated after being kidnapped.

Madara threw Sakura on the bed carelessly and started heading for the door. "Don't try anything or I won't hesitate to kill you." He spoke coldly, sending a shiver down her spine.

The door closed with a click, signaling Sakura that there was no way of her leaving that room. At least not alive.


Sooo heya, it's been a while. And because of that, this chapter has and easter egg ehich gives you a clue about what may happen in the future. Search for it wisely. :)

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