Chapter 1: Welcome Home, Brother

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"Alright, guys! But what about this: we should go clubbing after we get our diplomas!" Ino said excitedly while holding Sai's hand and rubbing her cheek on his biceps. She was the kind of girl who never missed a party or the opportunity of one.

Sakura wiped the sweat in her forehead. Shopping was exhausting and troublesome, especially picking the perfect outfit. Even though it will be under the robe, you may never know. "I can't, my parents need me."

"What for, forehead?"

Sakura shruged. "I don't know. I just hope is not another attempt to convince me to break up with Gaara."

"Hey, what's up that about?" Naruto asked confused.

Sakura sighed. "My parents think that he is not good enough just because he's an orphan and wouldn't be able to manage their fortune. They are shallow."

"That's troublesome. Who said that you will marry him?!" Shikamaru gave his opinion lazily while walking side by side with Temari. She was all flusttered around him, it was totally unlike her tough character.

Sasuke stopped listening to their conversation. Relationships were never his thing. He could never understand how someone would give the power to a person to destroy them emotionally. But he could blame his attitude on his family. The marriages were always arranged by their parents in order to keep the fortune. He just hoped that his parents will choose a hot suitor at least. If he won't be attracted to her emotionally, at least physically. He would need a good release sometimes and a paperbag over her face would be awkward. The more he thought about it, the more he hated his family and became anxious.

He hasn't even noticed when they exited the huge mall. He was too lost in his thoughts.

"Come on, forehead. I'm giving you a ride home." Ino waved her hand in front of the pinkette. Sakura blinked a few times and slapped her hand away.

She turned towards her friends who were also carrying bags full of clothes. All but Sasuke. She rolled her eyes.

"I guess we'll see each other in two days. I may convince my parents to spare me of the duties and we can hang out a hour or so."

"Sounds great!" Temari smiled.

Sakura waved to them while being dragged by her blonde friend through the parked, expensive cars. The truth is that she didn't have a car. Her parents brought her one on her 18th birthday but she rejected the gift, choosing to travel with the bus. This way, she could meet other friends and have a nice chat on their way to high school. Besides, she didn't want to be a spoiled child even though her parents owned a bank. She believes that she has to earn everything through hard work and stop having things handed to her just because she was born privileged. Usually, most of the money that her parents transferred into her bank account were donated to charity. That's just the kind of person she was.

They passed by a man who was leaning on his black Ferrari TuNero reading a book. He was dressed formal with a white shirt hugging his muscles beautifully each time he flipped the page. His long, black hair was tied in a loose ponytail revealing his sparkling eyes which followed every line. She felt drawn by his beauty and not only that... Sakura was known for having a soft spot for intellectuals and guys who liked to read anywhere even though her boyfriend was totally the opposite. Because... They were just like her. Just that this one was also appealing, unlike her and her big forehead. The guy checked his wrist watch, closing his book with a tap. He straightened his back, with his eyes lingering across the parking lot like he was expecting someone. Perhaps his girlfriend?!

She got on the front seat of Ino's red Mustang which she received last week from her parents for finishing high school. It's just then when she noticed that her group of friends was one of spoiled brats. Even though, besides Sasuke, no one acted like it. She hated it. She was constantly judged and hated by the less lucky teenagers. No matter what she did, it was never right. The others didn't mind, but she couldn't just be careless and cover her ears. It affected her deeply like a sharp knife.

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