Chapter 12: Outsider

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Sakura tried to clear the foggy mirror with her palm.

She looked at her worn out persona. It wasn't the same girl with aspirations and a good plan for the future. No, she was not a "what tomorrow will bring" kind of person.

The pinkette sighed and tightened the fluffy towel around her body.

She stepped out of the bethroom, into her bedroom.

At least, Itachi was considerate enough to give her a separate room.

She chose to wear a brown t-shirt and black skinny jeans for the rest of the afternoon. Even though outside was chilly, inside was pretty warm.

Sakura picked up the phone and dialed her mother's number.

After a few beeps, Mebuki picked up.

"Sakura, hello. How are you, dear?" she asked excitedly through the phone. It warmed Sakura's heart knowing that someone still loved her back home and was excited to hear her voice.

"Mom, hi." she smiled. "I miss you." she said with her voice fading.

Mebuki paused.

"Is everything alright, dear?" worry was present in her voice.

Yes, I'm lonely, Sakura wanted to answer but chose against it. The last thing she needed was her mother carrying her burden too. "Yes, yes. Everything is fine. You should see the sceneries here. They are breathtaking." she tried to sound excited and succeeded.

"I am glad you like it. How is Itachi? Everything going well?"

Sakura took a sharp breath. "Yes. We are bonding. Things are going excellent."

"I've seen Sasuke yesterday. He still looks grumpy. You know anything about that? He used to confide in you."

"I really don't know, mom. I think he is tired of his parents controling his life." she wiped her sweaty forehead.

"Hmm, you're right. Oh, by the way, Ino went with her family to Japan. She told me to tell you that she misses you. She didn't know for sure when to call."

"Oh, I will call her someday. Don't worry. Anyway, I will call you at least every week."

Mebuki chuckled. "Okay, sweetheart. Enjoy your new home. Me and papa miss you. Take care."

"I miss you too. Bye, mom." Sakura smiled melancholically before hanging up.

She threw her phone on the bed.


"Itachi?" Sakura went downstairs.

No answer.


"Yes, I hope to get to him before he gets to me." she heard him speaking from the kitchen.

With small and silent steps, Sakura aporoached the door which was cracked open.

Her green eye stared at his back through the crack and noticed that he was holding his phone to his ear. His fingers were tapping impatiently on the counter.

"No, I won't lure him here. I am not putting her in danger, listen to me."

Her heart started beating faster. Her? Was he talking about herself? And who was this dangerous person and why would he be a danger for her?

She couldn't wrap her head around it. Thousad of scenarios flew through her mind but none of it made sense. But one thing was for sure, the Uchihas were involved in something dangerous and possibly illegal. Otherwise, why wouldn't they announce the authorities?

Her hands started to tremble as she knew she wasn't safe. She wasn't capable if defending herself and certainly Itachi wouldn't risk his own life for hers. They were just business. He would probably rather lose this than his life.

"I will send someone. Yes."

She couldn't listen anymore.

She returned to the living room, paceing around agitated. Her hands were clasped in front of her body, shaking like she suffered of Schizophrenia.

So many secrets he held. So many scary things about him. She married a stranger that she will never get to know.

On the wooden table that was sitting in the middle of the huge room, was laying a yellow folder. Her eyes darted to it's direction while curiosity flew through her body.

Her hesitant fingers brushed the wooden surface, feeling the edges of the folder.

They hooked around it's edge, being prepared to open it and take a peak inside. Just a look.

She needs to know.

She closed her eyes and pressed her lips in a thin line, gathering the courage.


A familiar voice was heard behind her.

She let go of the folder, opening her eyes in defeat.

The pinkette spun on her heels to face her husband who was watching her with a bewlidered look.

"I-" she tried to explain herself.

"I didn't hear you coming down here. I thought you're still showering."

He didn't see her.

She let out a small puff and relaxed sightly.

"Y-yeah. I did. And then I called my mom and I- I wanted to come and eat something." she stuttered.

Itachi nodded. "There is food in the fridge. I told the maid to buy some. She will come tomorrow."

He took a few steps forward until he stopped in front of her. He bent forward, stretching his arm behind Sakura and grabbing the folder from the table, making her anxious with the proximity.

She sucked in a breath, making him chuckle.

"I have to go for a few hours."

"What for?" she sounded more demanding than she wanted to.

The girl lowered her eyes. "Sorry." she whispered.

Itachi raised an eyebrow, being amused by her outburst. "To drop this to a friend. If I wouldn't know better, I'd say that you are worried about me."

"I'm not." she mumbled and turned her head to the side.

"Don't worry, you are safe here." he said as he could read her mind.

He put two fingers under her chin and spun her head towards him. "I will be back soon." he assured her in a gentle voice. "Stay inside."

Sakura crossed her arms to her chest and opened her mouth to prostest.

Itachi sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Please?"

She nodded.

"Okay. Don't wait for me. Have dinner and go to sleep." he grabbed his coat from the couch.

"Bye!" he waved before exiting the house.

Sakura let out a long sigh and went to the kitchen.

She opened the fridge and grabbed a green apple from all the food that was there. All those worries killed her appetite.

"An I gonna end up dead?" she asked no one in particular with her voice cracking.

Tied by Greed (ItaSaku - modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now