Chapter 10: Pretend

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A glimpse of the morning sun escaped through the thick curtains, into the room, making Sakura's face glimer.

She moaned angrily like a cat, covering her eyes while furrowing her brows.

She hated mornings. Getting out of the bed was the hardest thing to do, especially when she knew that a long day was awaiting.

She slowly opened her eyes, trying to adjust her eyesight. There was a dim light in the room.

She looked around, slowly remembering where she was. The Uchiha mansion. Oh, how she hoped all of this was just a nightmare. But it was real.

She could hear the water running in the bathroom and assumed that Itachi woke up earlier but decided to let her sleep. At least he knew how to stay in his lane, she thought.

The pinkette looked at his side of bed which was perfectly arranged like he didn't even sleep there. But she knew he did. She felt his weight shifting on the bed last night.

She tossed her half of the sheet aside and dragged her feet on the cold floor. She hissed. Yes, the cold was another thing that she hated about mornings.

Sakura pushed herself off the bed and rubbed both of her arms, getting goosebumps. She checked the clock. It was just a bit past 9 a.m.

The bubble gum haired girl was so lost in her thoughts, that she didn't even notice that the shower water stopped and the door to the bathroom was opened.

"Sakura?" a surprised voice was heard behind her.

She turned around towards him, noticing that he was fully clothed in a casual attire. His hair was still wet with droplets falling on his black sweatshirt.

"Hey!" she greeted him awkwardly.

"How did you sleep?" he asked with no emotion in his voice, like he was trying just to kill the silence and didn't actually care. But he did. He just couldn't see the point on this one sided effort.

"Good, yeah." Sakura asked faintly.

He opened a drawer, searching for something.

"Your parents said that they will stop by to get you your stuff. They said they should arrive before our plane leaves at 7 p.m." he said as he took out another pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt which were tossed to his wife.

"Wait, what?" she asked confused, just after catching the clothes.

Itachi crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow, looking at her like she was an idiot. "The honeymoon." he reminded her.

"Wait, no." she raised a finger. "We are not a real couple. We don't need a honeymoon."

Itachi chuckled. "Of course not. It's not an actual honeymoon. In fact, since you hate this marriage so much, I cancelled our honeymoon and decided to go to Iceland instead, as a part of the act."


"Let me enlighten you: a big part of my father's business, which I'm in charge of, is located in Iceland. I took time off specially for you, for our honeymoon but since there is no point in this façade, I decided to just go back to work. And you have to come with me, wife. So people can believe that we actually had a honeymoon and we are oh so in love. "

He turned his back to her, heading for the door. "Change. My parents are waiting downstairs for breakfast." he slammed the door shut, which made Sakura jump sightly and almost drop the clothes.


She stepped into the dining room, shyly greeting the Uchiha couple.

Mikoto gave her a heartfelt smile while Fugaku just nodded. She hesitantly took a seat next to Itachi.

Tied by Greed (ItaSaku - modern AU)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ