Chapter 15: His Secret

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Sakura was awaken by a strong pounding in her head. She massaged her temples and inhaled deeply.

A heavy weight was laying on her hip so her eyes traveled to find the source. Itachi's arm was hanging loosely around her and she remembered how she fell asleep, how she told him to stay.

The pain she felt in the moment blinded her, she was lonely and had no one so she clung on to the only person.

The pinkette slowly raised his arm and laid it beside his body, taking care to not wake him up.

He shifted his position, making himself more comfortable.

Sakura pushed herself off the bed and went to the huge window. Outside was snowing.

The nature covered in white gave her a feeling of comfort. She remembered how she loved to read a good book while the snowflakes were falling. But all that seemed like distant memories now.

She glaced at Itachi who was sleeping peacefully. Maybe she should prepare some hot chocolate for when he wakes up.

Sakura hurried in the kitched and searched through the cabinets until she found where the hot chocolate was stored.

She poured the powder and the milk into two mugs and let them warm in the microwave.

After one minute, it beeped loudly, announcing her that the hot chocolate was ready. She added some marshmallows on top and inhaled deeply the sweet scent.

The girl returned to the room, catching a glimpse of her husband who was just buttoning his white shirt.

"Oh, good morning." she greeted shyly, avoiding his gaze. "I thought you were still sleeping."

"My mom called and woke me up." he looked at her from head to toes. "Are you okay?"

"Mhmm." she stretched her arm, handing him the hot chocolate.

"Oh, thank you. Just what I needed." he grinned.

Sakura took a seat by the window, watching the snowflakes falling in harmony while the steam warmed her face.

"So how did you sleep?" Itachi asked with a hint of worry.

"I haven't slept this good even from before..." her voice faded, realizing that she should not kill the mood.

"I understand." he placed a hand on her shoulder, looking out of the window as well.

She brushed his fingertips gently. "I am sorry for the way I behaved. It was childish. I know you try to make it work and I'm being a nuisance."

"I don't blame you. In another world, I would have reacted the same." he contemplated.

Sakura chuckled. "If you are talking about other worlds... I had the strangest dream: you were a criminal in an organization and you had those red eyes that everyone feared. And I was something like... A soldier in the village you betrayed." she laughed. "I know, it sounds stupid."

"Well, it doesn't. Sounds good as a fantasy story. It would sell good." he laughed.

Itachi put his empty mug on the nightstand and started massaging her shoulders.

She moaned.

"Mom said a few of your friends will visit next week. Along with my little brother. She said they are concerned because you disconnected."

"Will they?" she chose to ignore the last part as he knew why she did that.

"Yes. I will hire a few people to arrange some rooms."

"Thank you."

Itachi exhaled.

"I should tell you something..."

"Hmm?" she turned to him with worry in her eyes.

"Do you remember the tombstobe in the backyard?"

Sakura's skin got goosebumps as memories came back to her. The way he got angry at her... She went stiff.


He ran a hand through his hair and started pacing around the room. "That belonged to my ex girlfriend."

Sakura's eyes went wide in shock. "Wha-"

"I failed at keeping her safe although I promised her I would." she could see in his eyes that he was frustrated.

"What do you mean?" she worriedly asked, remembering that he told her the same thing. Sakura gulped.

"We had a secret relationship. My clan never agreed to any of us dating an outsider. You see, the clan must be kept pure blood. Even my parents, they are far relatives from the same clan."

Sakura tried to take all the new information in. "But then, we..."

"We are just a deal. An exception. Money are the only exception. The ones in power of our clan are called the Council. They decide whether we are allowed to do something that will affect the clan or not."

Sakura furrowed her brows. "So then your father is a member."

"Yes, you pick on fast. He just proposed the deal we are part of but they had to vote. Most of them agreed with it."

"So then... Did the council found out about you and her?" Sakura clentched her shirt to her heart, fewling her heart beating at an abnormal rate only by thinking to the misfortune of a girl whose only mistake was being in love. She thought that love was supposed to be beautiful like a fairytale. She never though it could turn so goresome.

Itachi sqeezed his eyes shut and massaged his temples. "Yes." he relaxed, pushing the memories back. "She was only half Uchiha. Her mother, a pure blood, got tired of the tiranny within the clan, so she ran off with an outsider she fell in love with. They got to hide and have a daughter but her biggest mistake was falling in love with me... If only... I would have rejected her... " his voice held pain.

He was tortured, she could say.

Sakura had tears in her eyes. She approached him and gently placed a hand on his cheek. He opened his eyes and looked at her teary eyes that were a more intense green than usual. She looked at him with sympathy.

He placed his hand on top of his.

"It's okay being selfish sometimes and you couldn't know that they will do it."

He turned his face away. "Deep down, I always knew." he ran hid hand through his long hair. "This is why I am always gone, Sakura. I have to protect you better than I protected her. I don't want to lose you too. I have to make any deal I can just to keep you safe." he caressed her cheek with his finger, staring into the depth of her emerald eyes.

"But you said that the Council..."

"I said the majority did. One didn't. He is the same who killed her. He is a very dangerous man." he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "I will do everything in my power, I promise you. You won't have the same fate."

Sakura shivered just at the though. She felt strange butterflies in her belly and without thinking, she gave in to those urges.

She brushed her thumb on his lower lip, analyzing every inch of his face.

He looked genuinely scared to not lose her. For once, it actually felt like someone cared.

The pinkette gently pressed her lips on his for the first time.

His arms hooked around her tiny frame while letting the kiss run smoothly.

He didn't feel like this in a long time.

They pulled apart, breathing heavily.

Sakura frowned. "What is his name?"

He hesitated for a moment searching for her determined eyes.

"Madara Uchiha."

Tied by Greed (ItaSaku - modern AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang