Chapter 3: Forgiveness

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Before reading this chapter, check out the theme song for this book. It's called Jordine Sparks - Battlefield and you can play it on the media.

Sakura was holding her knees to her chest, still crying her eyes out. It was a bit past 10 pm. She locked her door to keep her parents away. She didn't have dinner and her stomach was growling loudly but fuck it. She felt numb.

She couldn't move.

Her eyes were red from the friction of her palm against the skin. She choked in her own tears and laid there in her misery.

A soft knock was heard at her door.

"Honey? Please, talk to us."

She pushed her face further in her knees to stop a scream of desperation.

"I don't like to see you like that." her mother sobbed softly. "Sakura, hear me out. This is good for you, he is actually a mannered guy and-"

"GO AWAY!" she screamed full of range. "How could you possibly know what is good for me? Each thing that made me happy was denied by you and father. Going to a public high school? Denied. Taking a part-tome job? Denied. Dating Gaara? Denied. Having my own future..." her voice faded towards the end until it was only a whisper "Denied..."

Her mother clentched her shirt in front of her heart, sobbing. "I am sorry, Sakura. For everything. But... I couldn't let you with nothing after this deal. People like us... We are hated. Bank owners are the most hated people and we tried to shelter you from the others all our lives. You going out to seek your own future under the Haruno name... Let's just say that people are cruel and they wouldn't care what you have to offer as long as you've been born from a Haruno. I am sorry for giving you this life. You deserved so much more..."

Mebuki wiped her tears. She already could feel the drying on her cheeks." I just hope that one day... You'll forgive us."

The door swung open, revealing a Sakura with puffy eyes. She couldn't look her mother into her eyes. Not after she insulted her that badly when she only wanted to help her.

"I believe you..." she whispered. "But... I am afraid and... I can't do this." her lower lip started to tremble in fear.

Her mother put both of her hands on her daughter's shoulders. "Yes, you can. You are the strongest person I know."

"What will I tell him? He kept calling me ever since I arrived home."

Her mother took a glance behind her daughter. There, on her bed, the light coming from her phone illuminated the room.

"The truth."

Sakura nodded. She wrapped her arms around her mother and buried her face in her shirt, inhaling the vanilla scent.

She pulled back.

Mebuki tucked a strand of pink hair behind her daughter's ear. "And who knows... Maybe you two will really get along." she smiled.

She started walking down the hallway.

"I doubt it." Sakura whispered sadly.

Sge grabbed the phone from the bed, unlocking it and searching for Gaara's name. Once she found it, her finger tapped on it.

A photo of the red headed boy apoeared on her screen, joined by the ring.

"Sakura..." she heard on the other line. The pinkette inhaled deeply.

"Hello, Gaara..."

"Are you alright? I've been calling you all day..." he asked worriedly.

Tied by Greed (ItaSaku - modern AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang