Chapter 2: Bad News

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Ino pulls up in Sakura's driveway next to her parents Range Rover. She stops the engine and with a deep breath, turns to Sakura.

"I cannot believe that we will be out of high school. Oh, God. I am so terrified." Ino said truthfully what she had in her mind for the past three months. She brought both of her hands to her chest and gripped her shirt tightly. "I am worried that if I don't get into a good University, my parents will disown me." the blonde continued, moving her eyes on her lap. Sakura unfastened her seat belt and with a look of understanding in her eyes, she pulled her friend toward her chest, embracing her in a reasuring hug.

"You will get there. And they will be proud of you. There is a place for each one of us. Don't forget that." the pinkette whispered into her friend's hair. Ino let out a sigh of relief.

"You always know what to say, forehead." Sakura chuckled. She was happy to help her friend and lift her spirit. It became a routine lately.

They pulled apart, smiling.

"I probably should go inside before my father storms out and starts panicking that I waste time when there are important deeds."

Ino chuckled.

"Sure. But don't forget about our meeting in two days. May be the last time when our complete group will go out." she smiled, showing her pearly teeth. But Sakura knew that deep down, these thoughts were terrifying.

The pinkette pushed the door open, letting the wind ruffle her pink locks. The weather was awful. Just when she hoped that the vacantion will bring some sun and a well deserved tan. Everything was against her plans these days.

She waved to her best friend before gripping the metal handle of the door. It was always unlocked when her parents were home and she was glad that she didn't have to search in that god dammned big bag of her to find her keys.

She twisted and pushed the door open. The scent of lily invaded her nostrils. Ino's mother must have visited recently and brough her mother flowers as usual.

"I am home!" Sakura shouted from the hallway.

She closed the door behind her with her foot while trying to take off her grey coat at the same time.

It was silence.

She hung the cloth on the hanger and let the shopping bags fall on the floor.

"Mom? Dad?"

Her small feet carried her in the living room's doorway with her heels clicking on the wooden floor.

Her mother's forced smile was the first thing she noticed in that room. She was sat on the cushion, in front of the coffee table while her father sat on the couch, with his hands resting on his knees, being deep in thoughts.

"I'm home?!" she said more like a question than a statement.

"Darling." her mother's smile became even more forced than before. She was tapping her fingers on her knees. Sakura knew imediately that something was troubling her. "Please, take a sit." she motioned towards the couch. Her father was like a statue, he hasn't moved.

The tension filled the air and worry ran throughout the pinkette's body.

She complied to her mother, choosing to not jump to conclusions. It was better to hear first.

"What's up?"

Her mother played with her sleeves.

"Honey, you know that we had some troubles recently, regarding the bank."

Sakura nodded.

"Well, we got a deal." Mebuki pulled an awkward smile.

"What? That's great, mom!" Sakura threw her arms in the air, happily. Her father wiped the sweat off his forehead.

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