Chapter 46

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"Don't take another step closer to that door, Levi f*cking Ackerman. Or I'm going to throw all of your cleaning supplies in the bin!" Y/n yelled from the living room.

Levi rolled his eyes and turned around, facing his girlfriend. She pointed on the seat next to her on the couch. "What do you want? I'm late for my meeting." Levi complained.

"I just wanna let you know that I love you." She smiled but her smiled disappeared when she took out her phone. "And... You don't have any meeting for today. Erwin told me so." She showed her conversation with Erwin.

Levi's blood ran cold. "It's not with Erwin. It's with Hanji."

"Hanji?" Y/n scrolled through her phone and showed another conversation with her and Hanji. "Are you lying?"

"No. It's an emergency meeting." Levi said, trying to stay calm.

"Where? About what?" Y/n squinted her eyes at Levi.

"At her office."

"Okay. You can go, have a good day." Levi stood up and was about to walk to the door when Y/n called him again. "Oh! and Levi." Levi looked at her again as she pointed on her cheek. Levi sighed and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

After that, Levi walked out of the apartment and sighed in relief. He walked to the place where is will be meeting a woman.

Y/n waited for thirty minutes before getting ready to go out. Wearing an oversized hoodie and a beanie. She turned on her GPS phone tracker to track Levi's phone easier. She saw that Levi is not far away from their apartment.

She followed the directions and saw Levi inside a cafe, with a girl. "Oh I didn't..." She took some pictures and just stood outside of the cafe, acting like she's looking for someone. Who knew that Y/n is a good actress.

As she look at the pair again, her eyes widen. The girl kissed Levi's cheek. She acted quickly and took a picture. She turned around and looked at the picture in her phone. All she could feel was betrayal and anger. She sat on the bench, just waiting for Levi and the girl to move to who knows where.

Her phone beeped as the pair stood up and leave the cafe. She silently followed behind them, making a lot of distance so it's not obvious. She followed them until they got inside of a apartment building, a bit far away from the cafe.

She furrowed her eyebrows as the girl wrapped her arm around Levi's. He didn't do anything to get rid of it either. She could feel her heart beating out of her chest as she noticed that the girl is getting very touchy, can't get her hands off Levi.

The pair soon entered an apartment, the girl's apartment. Levi didn't object and that made Y/n feel extreme sadness. 'How could he do that to me?! I thought he love me?!'

She took another picture of them going inside. Y/n waited until they are finally inside before walking to the door and taking a last picture of the door including the room number.

"I knew it." She whispered and walked down the stairs to go home. She decided to not take a taxi since she wanted some time to think alone. She couldn't believe what she just witness.

'Was I not good enough?'

'She's a lot prettier than me.'

'Levi is better off without me.'

As she was crossing the street, she didn't see a car coming. She laid on the ground, groaning in pain. "F*cking hell..." She mumbled before passing out.


Levi's phone rang as he sat on the couch in the apartment living room. He answered it since it's only  Y/n. "Hey, brat. What do you need?"

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