Chapter 15

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Levi walked to the street where the given address was. He stopped as he saw a crowd of people around someone's apartment. He checked the address and rolled his eyes. He walked to the fire exit and climbed the ladder. He began counting the apartment windows so he could locate the room. Once he reached the room, he knocked on the window.

He smirked as he saw Y/n limping to the room. She smiled as she opened the window and Levi hopped inside apartment as Y/n closes the window.

"I'm glad you came. I thought you ditched me for a moment. Bertholdt and Reiner are coming with us. Is that okay with you?"

"I can't do anything about it now. Can't I?" Levi rolled his eyes as he opened the window again, getting ready to get out.

Y/n frowned at Levi's remarks. "Bert! Reiner! Come on." Y/n limped to the window and used her crutches to move. She sat on the window sill and went through the window. Bertholdt and Reiner went out next.

"Where are we going?" Levi asked.

"Mall?" Y/n suggested but Levi didn't said anything.

They all silently walked to the mall. Levi took the lead as Bertholdt, Reiner and Y/n walked behind him. "Are you tired?" Bertholdt suddenly asked Y/n.

"A bit. I thought this would be a short walk. I guess I'm wrong." Y/n chuckled.

"Let me carry you." Bertholdt offered.

"Nah, I'm good." Bertholdt nodded and continued to walk.

Levi rolled his eyes because of the conversation behind him. "Levi. Can you slow down a bit?" Y/n said.

"Just keep up. We're almost there." Levi said, not slowing down for Y/n.

"Bert, I take back what I said. Carry me please."

Reiner took Y/n's crutches and Bertholdt kneeled down so Y/n can wrap her arms around his neck. She wrapped her arms around Bertholdt's neck and he stood up. Y/n giggled as she put her head next to Bertholdt's.

Levi's ears are smoking, just by hearing everything behind him. Y/n really left him for somebody else. Bertholdt used his long legs to walk beside Levi and Reiner followed him shortly. "Hi, Levi." Y/n smiled at Levi.


Y/n frowned. "You promise me that we'll hang out. Now you're ignoring me."

"I thought WE are hanging out." Y/n just stared at him.

"I didn't said anything about who will be with us. I thought you knew that Bertholdt and Reiner are coming with us. I'm sorry." Y/n said quietly as she put her chin on Bertholdt's shoulder and hung her head low.


"Levi... I think it's not nice to talk to Y/n like that. She was so excited to hang out with you tonight. We're sorry for coming with her. Don't blame her, I could take the blame."

Levi didn't answer, instead, he quicken his pace and ignored Bertholdt's apology.

"It's okay, Bertholdt. Can you put me down now?"

Bertholdt out her down and Reiner gave her the crutches. Y/n limped to Levi's side and attempted to hold his hand. "Levi. I'm sorry, please. I'm sorry, I left you. I'll stay here in Japan if you want, just give me a chance." Y/n held Levi jacket as she limped to keep up with his pace.

Levi finally stopped. "One chance."

"Thank you so much, Levi. I won't waste it. C-can I have a hug? Just one." She smiled at Levi.

Levi rolled his eyes and opened his arms. Y/n limped to Levi's opened arms and hugged his torso. Levi wrapped his arms around Y/n loosely. She giggled and let go of the hug. "Are we good now? I swear Bertholdt and Reiner are good people." She smiled and looped her arms around his as she limped to the mall. Levi was silent the whole way.

"Let's eat." Y/n smiled. They decided to go to a sushi restaurant at the mall to have a quick meal. Y/n took a piece of her sushi and put it in her mouth, savoring the fresh seafood. "I miss Japan so much. I wish I visited often."

"Often? You haven't even stepped here in years, you brat." Levi said.

"I did, a year ago. I performed for winter Olympics, but I didn't compete." Y/n said, putting another sushi in her mouth.

"Haven't heard of it."

"I'm not known as the Y/n L/n. I'm known by the Phoenix. I don't use my name for some performance. That should make sense. My father and I even visited your house but you're not there." Y/n took a sushi from Reiner's plate and replace it with her sushi.

Levi was silent again. He finished his meal then paid and stood up. "I'll wait outside." He walked outside. Y/n ate her meal quicker to go after Levi.

"Levi, can you try not to be rude? just for tonight, please. I want to enjoy my days here in Japan. I really missed you but now, I'm starting to think the other way around. You have changed, you know? I think you're not the 'Levi' I know and remember. I just want my best friend back." Y/n's eyes began to water as she tell Levi the truth.

She rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand and sniffled a bit. "I'm sorry, I left you. I didn't want to, but my father needed to, to keep his job. I'm sorry, Levi."

Y/n silently sobbed as she sat on a bench. She put her crutches beside her and just sat there. Levi sat next to her and scooted closer to her. He took her right hand and just held it. He played with her fingers on his lap but didn't said anything.

Bertholdt and Reiner came out of the sushi restaurant and smiled as they saw Levi and Y/n sitting together on the bench. Something is not right, they can feel it. They walked to the two and took a look at their face. Levi was looking and playing with Y/n's hands. Y/n's eyes and nose are red. They knew what happened but didn't said anything to cause a scene.

"Where do we go next?" Reiner asked.

No one answered for a second but Y/n mumbled something. "I want to go home. I want to sleep." No one disagreed to her request so they exit the mall and called a taxi because Y/n doesn't want to walk anymore.

Reiner took the passenger seat. Levi and Bertholdt took the spot by the window and that left Y/n with the middle seat. Bertholdt and Y/n quietly talked throughout the ride. Levi didn't speak or anything, instead, he just looked out the window. They paid the taxi and walked to the apartment complex. Y/n limped quicker than the three males to get to their apartment quickly.

"Um... Levi, what did you do?" Bertholdt quietly asked.

"She told me that I'm rude. Can I go inside? To say goodbye."

"Go on." Reiner said. Levi walked inside the Canadian's apartment and saw Y/n laying on the couch. Her face on top of a small pillow. Levi didn't said a word before approaching her. He kneeled down and poked her shoulder but she didn't flinched.

"I'm sorry, Y/n. I promise I won't be rude anymore. I hope you can forgive me. Goodnight." Levi leaned in and kissed the top of her head. "I missed you too. Bye." He stood up from his position and said goodbye to the two tall males before walking out of the apartment.

Ha walked back to his house in silence. He took a warm shower and made tea while checking his social medias before going to bed. Levi stared at his plain old ceiling before looking at his bedside table, where a familiar picture frame stood.

"Just one picture." Kuchel said. "You're finally graduating. I'm so proud of you."

"It's just a picture. Nothing is going to happen if I don't one." Levi said.

Y/n and her parents walked behind Levi and Kuchel. "Y/n!" Levi screamed in happiness. Levi quickly walked towards the girl and hugged her like his life is depending on it. Kuchel quickly snapped a picture of the cute moment. Y/n giggled and hugged Levi's torso. "Mom, take a picture of us." Levi said, happily.

Levi took the frame and admired the picture. Levi's arms was wrapped around Y/n and hers was around him. He admired the smiles on their faces, smiling a bit as she remember the moments that made them happy.

He put his blanket over his body and put the picture frame beside his body before saying,

"Goodnight, Y/n. I'll try to be the Levi that you know."

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