Chapter 12

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"Y/n! I think it's enough!! You should go home and get some rest for tomorrow." Eren yelled, concerned for Y/n's bruised body.

"I need to land this jump! Or else I'll lose my best friend!"

"You can still do it tomorrow! Go home and get some rest."

Y/n sighed and skated towards the exit with her throbbing body. She took off her skates with the help of Eren and packed all her things before going home. Y/n was suppose to be walking home but her aching body is talking a toll of her. "You're walking home aren't you? I'll drive you home."

"No, I'm fine. Don't worry."

But her action speaks louder than her words.

"I'll drive you to your house, I insist. It's already late." Eren said. Y/n sighed in defeat and agreed.

Y/n and Eren walked to Eren's car. Eren opened Y/n's door like the gentleman that he is. She thanked him and smiled.

Bertholdt and Reiner went home earlier than them since they finished their training faster. Eren, their coach, stayed with Y/n since she wants to perfect her combos.

"Thank you so much, Eren."

"No worries, I'm just concern for your well being. You hit your head multiple times and landed badly countless times. As a coach I need to make sure that my students are perfectly fine."

"Aww thanks."

They both talked about some topics that aren't about skating, more about their personal life. Eren didn't want to be treated as a coach outside of training so they treated each other as equal. Eren stopped the car in front of L/n residence. "We're here."

"Thank you Eren for dropping me off. I appreciated it. See you tomorrow."

"You're welcome, Y/n. See you tomorrow. Get some rest, you're probably sore. See you tomorrow at the studio. Goodnight." Eren smiled.

"Goodnight!" Eren drove off and went home to his own house.

Y/n walked inside of her house and saw father watching Television and doing paperworks. "Hey, dad. I'm sorry, I'm late. Did you already have your dinner?"

"It's okay, Y/n. Your food is on the table, just heat it up. What took you so long?"

"I was perfecting my jumps. I can't though."

"Give it time. Don't pressure yourself."

"Thanks, dad."

Y/n heated up her dinner and ate it. She scrolled through her instagram and saw a huge amount of pictures of Levi and herself. People began to start unbelievable and believable rumors about them, and some of them even made stories about them being a couple or more than friends.

So she decided to confirm the rumors and clear up some issues so the rumors doesn't have to become a huge problem, especially to Levi.

(your/user/name) Hey everyone!! I just want to clear up some of the rumors that are spreading quite fast. Mr. Ackermann and I are not a couple or anything. We are just acquaintance, nothing more. I met him at a restaurant through Mr. Smith and Mr. Yeager. I hope I made it clear so no more rumors can be formed with all the spreadable nonsense. Thank you so much!!

After that, she went to bed.

She woke up with an aching body and bruised knees and elbows. She limped to her bathroom and took a shower. She limped out of her room and to the kitchen, where he saw her father cooking their breakfast. "Good morning, dad."

"Good morning, darling."

They ate together some scrambled eggs, toasts and some mashed potatoes from yesterday's dinner. F/n figured out that her daughter was very tired so he insisted to drive Y/n at the studio. He went straight to work after he dropped off Y/n.

She walked to the studio and saw Reiner and Bertholdt sitting on the bench. She's not wearing long sleeves today so Bertholdt easily saw her arms covered with bruises. "What happened to you? You're bruised up."

"I got carried away with training last night." She chuckled like the bruises are nothing.

Eren went over to them. They all walked to the huge room filled with kids and teens, male and female. A blonde female wearing tights and long sleeves came over to them. "Good morning. You must be the skaters, the ones that will be joining us today."

The three skaters stayed quiet as Eren spoke with the lady. "Attention!! Today we have guests, they will be joining our practice for two weeks." the blonde looked over at the three. " You may introduce yourselves."

"Hello. I'm Reiner Braun and I'm the armored titan of Canada."

"H-hey I'm Bertholdt Hoover and I'm the colossal titan."

"Hello guys! I'm Y/n and I'm the Phoenix titan of Canada. Nice to meet you everyone!"

The kids and teens clapped and cheered. Mrs. Leonhart began to teach the kids about flexibility, including Y/n, Bertholdt and Reiner. They started with stretching and the basics.

"Hold on to the bars, raise your left leg on a ninety degree angle and bend you body on a ninety degree angle as well."

Y/n and Bertholdt giggled as they did it with ease. Reiner on the other hand, was slightly improving. Flexibility isn't Reiner's thing when it comes to figure skating.

Noon came and their time at the ballet studio has come to an end. They said their goodbye and got their lunch. After that, they went to the private skating rink to train for the rest of the day.

"F*ck!! I can't land on my left!"

"Do it your way. Your dominant leg is right, correct? Then land on the right. There's nothing wrong with landing on your right." Eren explained. Y/n nodded and tried again, she landed it.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" She whined.

"I thought you're gonna land the left but I realised that your dominant leg is right."

The training consisted of laughter and serious training. They fell but it's part of learning skating.

That is their everyday schedule.

Wake up.


They promised themselves at they'll win gold for Canada. After the competition, everything would be worth it. They're doing this to pursue their dreams, to make their family and friends proud, and to make Canada proud.

To make Levi proud.

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