Chapter 3

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When I got into the gym for fourth period there were already boys running around the court dribbling the ball. I walk in to the girls locker room, my ears immediately filled with chatter and gossip. I go to stand in line next to my coaches office, Coach Reed was written in gold letters on the door. I walk in to see a older woman with blonde hair, very tan skin, probably all from a tanning bed, and soft brown eyes.

"Name?" She asks looking down at her list

"Rose Parker" I speak up trying to be heard over the loud girls outside her office.

"Here is your locker and locker combination" she hands me a slip of paper. I read it, thank her and go hunt down my new locker.

When I find it, it's all the way in the left corner closest to the door. I put my things in and close it up, locking it back. I make sure to put the slip of paper with my combination in my pocket because there's no way I will remember where and how to get into my locker without it.

I walk back into the gym where Mrs.Reed is assigning everyone there role call places.

"George Paulik stand here" she calls out gesturing for a boy with fiery red hair to stand in his new assigned spot on the gym floor.

"Rose Parker?" She looks up and looks to her left and right "is Rose Parker here?" I run up behind her and say,

"I'm here"

"Ok honey go stand over there" she points behind the George guy, I nod and walk over to my spot.

After everyone is in there assigned spot Mrs. Reed hands out the syllabus, just like the last three I have gotten today.

After about twenty minutes of her telling us what we will be doing this year, what exercise units we will be covering and the dress code she lets anyone who wants to go play basketball, hinting at all the boys and everyone else may sit in the bleachers, hinting at the girls.

I make my way over to the bleachers and take a seat, watching girls gossip and boys play basketball like it's a game between life and death.

I feel lonely, I don't know a single person in this class, I may have been going here for the past three years but we have a very large population here.

That's when a very handsome guy starts to walk over to me, his light brown hair spiked up but still looks extremely soft, very tan completion, amazing cheek bones, he's wearing a light gray tight shirt outlining his muscular figure and dark denim jeans.

He sits next to me and smiles kindly "Hi my names Luke"

"Hi I'm Rose"

"Nice to meet you"

"You to" I say with a warm smile "I haven't seen you around are you new here" I ask couriousily, I never saw him last year or any other year I've been here.

"Yeah I actually just moved here with my whole family"

"Really? where did you live before?"

"Canada" he says cooly leaning his back against the bleachers and holding himself up with his muscular arms.

"Then why move here?" I tilt my head

"I heard this place has nicer people" he smirks, making me laugh

"You should have stayed in Canada if you wanted that" I say through laughs trying to catch my breath "but really why? Canada seems like a really pretty place"

"It was, but me and my pac-" he stops, clearing his throat "family wanted new territory to cover" he says, new territory what does that mean? I decide to brush it off, Maybe Canadians call a new country territory?

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