Chapter 41

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Rose's POV
I sigh heavily and walk out the balcony door, the freezing wind instantly blows past, hitting my bare arms and neck. I hug myself close and rub my arms hoping to creat friction and warm up my body.

I lean on the railing and breath in the cold fresh air, my heart still pounding from the scene that unfolded in front of me minutes ago. I can't believe Marcus did that. Caden was busy helping him for God sake, of course he couldn't pick up the damn phone.

I run my fingers through my hair, I'm not mad at him for grabbing me, more like shocked. It didn't hurt but I knew if I didn't act like it did he wouldn't have stopped, he would have continued to fight Caden. I hold my wrist at the memory, when I saw the sadness in his eyes I almost wanted to go up to him and take all his pain away. But I stood my ground, he needs to know that it's not ok to get so consumed by anger that he beats up anybody around....I've had one too many of those experiences.

I take deep breaths as I try to calm down, memories of him and Caden fighting flash under my closed eyelids, just a big blur of movement and the loud grunts and sounds of skin connecting with skin.

I wanted to go back in the house to calm him down, I knew he would still be on edge but so was I. I get it he doesn't want me hurt but beating up Caden won't solve a thing. Especially with training starting tomorrow, it won't be good that they're pissed off at each other.

I just want this to stop all of it, I'm so tired of Caine controlling Marcus's life. First with not allowing me and Marcus to be together, then threatening my life, and now causing Marcus to go stir crazy. A tear, I hadn't notice, slipped past my eye. I'm scared, worried, sad, frustrated, shocked and just over all of this. I throw my hair up in a messy bun tired of it being in my face.

I sigh deeply and the cool air surprisingly feels good filling my lungs and blowing on my skin. I look up to the beautiful night sky, the full moon shines bright, it's light leaks through the trees and the stars glow and twinkle. The trees blow in the wind and move shadows along with it. Soft white clouds float across the sky as streaks of light press through the tall pine trees. The sound of the owls hooting in the distant and the loud chirping of crickets is like music as the wind rustles the leaves in the trees.

I turn back to the glass doors and the light from insides sprawls across from the deck. I slowly walk towards the door and place my hand on the cold handle, I hesitate for a moment and my heart rate picks up. I open the door and the warm air of inside sticks to my face.

I see no movement in my range of view so I walk into his office and no Marcus. The mess from earlier is still everywhere, leaving glass shards all across the floor and other objects thrown random places, I'll clean it up tomorrow. I grab my bag with all my things and head up to find Marcus.

I sleepily walk up the stairs and find myself standing in Marcus's room, I hear the sound of the shower running and groan. I then walk to one of the other bathrooms with my bag propped on my shoulder. I get changed into my pajamas, brush my teeth, and wash my face. I leave my hair up in a bun not caring how I look tomorrow and I'm to tired to shower.

I walk back in his room and he's still not out of the shower. I look at the trail of clothes leading to the bathroom, I see the white cotton T he wore under his work clothes and I want so badly to ditch my tank top and cuddle into the warmth and smell of his shirt.

I look back and forth between the bed and his shirt, having a war with myself. The side that aches for him wins and I walk over to his shirt bringing it up to my nose and inhaling deeply. His scent fills my scenes and I feel a little dizzy at such an intense amazing smell.

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