Chapter 53

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(Ok but if Rose was a cartoon character this is what she would look like ;) am I right)

"Babe...time to wake up" I hear Marcus's heavenly voice speak to me, breaking me away from my deep sleep

I groan and squeeze my eyes shut, I was having an amazing dream. It was me and Marcus, we were laying on the beach, it was so beautiful and I felt so calm. It was like my mind was clear and I didn't have a worry in the world.

I reach for him as he leans over the bed and I grab his nicely ironed work shirt pulling him down on me. He falls on my body chuckling, I wrap my arms around his back and groan again "or we could stay in bed all day" his husky voice makes me shiver as he aligns our centers and pressing his hips down further into me

I smile lazily and giggle "you wish" I say slowly opening my eyes to see a fully ready sexy looking Marcus

"Good morning beautiful" he kisses my nose, supporting himself on his arms to keep his heavy body from crushing me

"Morning sexy" I say stretching from under him

"Sexy hu?" He says and I nod lazily, he chuckles and kisses my forehead, climbing off of me

I frown but sit up moving my hair out of my face, I swing my legs over the bed and slowly stand up on wobbly legs. Marcus appears in front of me and I lean my head on his chest and he pretty much supports my entire body, he wraps his arms around my waist and keeps me up. I close my eyes and enjoy this small moment, I take a deep breath and his amazing scent fills my senses

"I had a dream about you last night" I tell him

"I know" he says and my eyebrows furrow

"Did you go in my dream?" I ask, for once remembering his abilities

"Yes" he nods smirking

"Marcus?!" I scold

He sighs, his face turning serious and holding me a little tighter "I had to make sure you didn't have another bad dream, you looked petrified, seeing you like that hurts me so much more than you know" he says caressing my check

I look at him in awe,?amazed at his care, I nod against his chest and he rubs my back "now it's time to get ready for school" he says pulling back and kissing my lips

"Fine" I groan

He chuckles "I'll be down stairs, want breakfast?" He asks

I look at him for a minute, suspicious "why are you being so nice?" I ask crossing my arms

"I'm always nice" he smirks

"No seriously" I say, I know he's always sweet but he just seems care free

He sighs "I'm trying to stay calm, yes I'm stressed as hell but I don't want you worrying" he says

I sigh sitting on the bed " really think they'll cross?" I ask all the events of yesterday rushing back to my mind

"I hope not" he sights "it could be Caine playing with us again or it could be serious, whatever it is we have to be ready for any and everything" he says and we sit in silence for a moment "Rose don't stress about it I'll fix it"

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