Chapter 23

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We walk through and bump into more sweaty bodies until we all come to a stop, I look past Luke and see Caden talking to someone, they nod and lead him up the few stairs to a large booth. We crawl in after each other and the cold leather touches the skin of my exposed thigh. Scott scoots in close beside me so our entire side is touching.

"This place is amazing!" Jade practically screams

I look around taking in my surroundings and I agree this place is pretty nice. The table we sit at is a black wood with red cushions on the booth, it has dark purple curtains that are open so that we can see the dance floor. The DJ is at the front, on a stage with huge speakers all over it. Red, blue, green, yellow and many more lights flash across the club, glistening off the people with there body's covered in sweat. The overwhelming smell of alcohol and sweat fill my senses with a hint of smoke mixed in, burning my nose. I look back on the table to see a single rose in a small vase, next to it is a small white candle, the orange flame flickers.

"Rose?!" Scott says loudly, his breath tickling my ear "what do you think about this place?!"

"Yeah it's great! This is the first club I've ever been to!" I tell him

"Yeah me too, I've been to a couple of parties but nothing like this, how did you guys get in here anyways?" He asks couriousily

"Caden" I say looking over at him "he has a friend or something that owns the place"

"Wow good connections" he says nodding his head

"Yup" I almost scream

"Hey guys you want something to drink?" A pretty girl wearing a tight black dress accentuating her tiny waist and very large bust, she's wearing a small apron wrapped around her, holding a notepad

I guess we really don't need ID, Caden does have good connections I tell myself. "hey Ashley" Caden says over the table loudly to the pretty blonde host

Jade shoots daggers at Caden, he looks over to her and his smile drops "hi Caden how are you?" she says flirtatiously twirling her pin straight hair

"Fine thanks" he says a little quieter, looking a little frightened of Jade at the moment. The flame on the table starts to flicker rapidly and shoots up turning a blue green color, I jump back in surprise and look over at Jade. She peels her eyes away from the blonde and looks over at me, she looks confused at my shocked expression and then turns her attention over to the flame. Her face turns to shock as well, earning the attention of Caden, he looks at her then the flame then me. He touches Jades hand softly and the flame goes back to its orange color.

Before I can ask what that was Ashley interrupts, not seeming to notice the flame. Maybe it's a special effect candle or something, that happens every five minutes? "That's great, can I get you anything?" She asks with a wink

"Yeah how about some drinks?" Jade spits, her voice full of vermin

Ashley roles her eyes but nods her head "ok what would y'all like?"

"I'll take a piña colada" Amber speaks up, surprising us all but when we stare at her she just shrugs "I'm trying to live a little"

We all chuckle at her unusual character "I'll just have a beer" Luke tells Ashley

"I'll have a cherry vodka" Jade says still a little angry at the girl, it's funny to see Jade get so jealous "and my Boyfriend" she say emphasizing the last word "will have a beer" Jade looks over to Caden and he nods agreeing with her order

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