Chapter 31

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(A/N Image of Evangeline,
And just to let you all know this flashback will be pretty long just because I really want you guys to understand how everything happened and what it lead to so please enjoy!)

Flashback (Marcus's POV, as he's explaining to Rose)

"Oh Marcus wake up!" Her tiny hands slap my cheeks lightly and her legs swings on either side of my chest

I role over in the king size bed, and pick Sybil's tiny body up laying her down on the bed, her giggling uncontrollably "I'm up, I'm up sister" I laugh along with her

"Tonight's the ball! Are you ready to meet your true love?" She says looking off into space with a heavy sigh

"I am" I say my face mirroring hers, I dreamt of the girl last night, the one I saw yesterday, I can't get her out of my mind, she was so beautiful and I pray she will make an appearance at the ball.

"And we get to go get my dress! I'm so exited!" She says hugging me, the soft material of her cream colored robe presses against my skin

"That's right" I realize now that I may see her again today, during our visit to town

"I'm hungry will you come down and eat with me?" She asks

"Of course, has everyone else eaten?"

"I'm not sure the chefs made me breakfast but I wanted to eat with you" she says and I smile warmly

I get out of bed and slide into my robe, I look over at Sybil with a devilish grin and she starts to giggle scooting further off the bed. I run over to her and pick her up placing her on my shoulders, her arms flare around and her legs clutch to my neck. I hardly notice and run around the spacious room, our laughs echoing against the walls.

"Guards the door!" I call out and the large wooden doors swing open with one guard holding each

I run down the hallway, clutching Sybil's legs and her hands now placed over my eyes so that I have to look through her tiny fingers to see where I'm going. The steep stairs come into view and I hold her a little tighter not wanting her to fall. I skip down them carefully and come down to the dinning hall where my father, Caine, Jonas, Ruth, Jane and Gabriel all sit at the long table with a bountiful of food in front of them.

"Good morning everyone" I greet them all, setting down my sister. Sybil runs up to the beginning of the table to give father a hug.

"Morning Marcus are you exited for the ball?" Ruth asks, dressed with hair and makeup already done

"I am actually, where's Lucy?" I ask turning my attention over to Jane taking a seat by Ruth

"Mother stole her away again" Gabriel pouts across from me, Jane laughs patting his arm

I chuckle and look down to the enormous amount of food piled on table, I pick some of the food and place it on the white plate set in front of me. Sybil is still talking to father but I don't pay to much attention to everyone's conversations.

"So Caine looks like you're next on the list for arranged marriage" Jonas says, leaning over to Caine not letting go of his and Ruth's intertwined hands

Caine rolls his eyes "I-" Caine begins to say but is then cut off by father

"Caine will probably never get married, he's already 27 he has lost his chance for any future" father says as if Caine is not sitting in the chair next to him

We all stay silent as Caine face reddens and the grip on his fork tightens "how dare you, you foul-" he growls

"How dare you talk back to me, I am your father!"

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