Chapter 1

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"No stop! Please I'm begging you!" I scream at my father as he holds up my Mother, hitting her repeatedly, blood splattered all over her battered face.

"daddy please!" I scream running over to him

"Shut up bitch!" He finally stops and drops my mother to the ground, he begins to walk over to me and I back away. His greasy black hair is plastered to his forehead with sweat, his strong prominent jaw is clenched, and his usual blue green eyes are dark with rage.

"Dad stop, you're drunk" I say, backed up against the wall unable to get away. I look past him staring down at my mom, she's passed out cold. Her cheek is bright red from where he slapped her and her nose is bleeding. Her tiny arm is laid across her body and the other above her head, both covered in bruises. I look back in front of me, my fathers eyes blazing

"Learn your place you filthy piece of shit!" He slurs out

"Please" I beg, defenceless, he raises his large hand and before his hand collides with my cheek...I wake up.

I wake up in a cold sweat panting, completely out of breath with tears rolling down my cheeks. It takes me a minute to remember where I am. In me and my moms small two bedroom house, away from him... that piece of shit called my father. It's been over 3 years since he left us, and good thing he did...he would have killed me or my mother if he hadn't.

I lay back and groan, taking deep breaths and pushing the hot covers off of my sweaty shaking body. I can't believe I still have these nightmares, they don't happen every night like they used to. They're happening less and less, maybe once every week. But it's like I'm still there, the memory is so fresh I still feel the tingle of his hand colliding with my face, the pain spreading through my stomach as he kicks me over and over, and the feeling of helplessness. I still remember him leaving that same night with a beer in one hand and his car keys in the other, that was the last time I saw my drunk abusive father.

I remember having to help my mother to her room, nurse her wounds, clean her bloody nose and ice her bruises, the thought makes me cringe.

I sigh and shake my head, not wanting the heavy feeling in my stomach to spread. I look over to my nightstand, my alarm clock reads 6:45

Shit, I'm late on my first day

I jump out of bed and get changed into my skinny jeans and a white and black striped t-shirt and run over to the mirror. Checking my appearance I observed my cheeks are flushed from the scare of moments ago but I don't look too bad. My long wavy auburn hair is a tangled mess, I comb through it with my fingers to make it look presentable.

I walk out of my room and into the kitchen where I see my mother cooking some eggs and pancakes already on a plate ready to be eaten. Her hair, just like mine, but shorter, is perfectly spread across her shoulders, her short and skinny frame leaned against the stove. She's already dressed in her work clothes, black pants and a blue shirt with the logo of the restaurant she works at, which is a small diner about a block from my school called Benny's Diner.

"Morning mom" I go over and give her a hug from the back and kiss her cheek. She turns to me her dark brown eyes meeting mine, her eyes show so much love but I know it's a cover for all the pain she's gone through. I can see how my fathers abuse took a tole on her. When I was younger I used to not be able to see it but now that I'm older I see right past her mask because I know the exact look...every time I look in the mirror I see pain in my eyes. I see the broken look buried beneath the mask just like my moms. I see it in the same eyes as my father, the one and only thing we have in common, our blueish green eyes...I got the eyes of a demon.

"Morning Rose, how'd you sleep?" She asks, a glimpse of last nights nightmare flashed through my mind.

"Fine" I reply quickly not wanting her to stress about me getting bad again "How about you?"

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