Chapter 34

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I fell asleep at the lake and Marcus ran me home...literally. It was surreal to ride on his back as we zipped through the air and around the trees as fast as light. When he dropped me off my mom was bombarding me with questions and I tried to explain as best I could without saying to many details.

I admitted I was with Marcus all day and that we were together now, she wouldn't let go of me for a solid 20 minutes telling me she knew we were perfect for each other. We talked more but I told her I was exhausted and we could talk more in the morning.

I lay in bed wide awake now, thinking of Marcus. He said he had to go get his car at the lake and bring it back to his house. He wanted me home as soon as possible and didn't want to waist time driving so running was the best option.

Around an hour later I was very pleasantly surprised when I woke up to warm arms wrapped around my waist. His sweet lips kissing my neck, hands roaming over my barely covered body, me only wearing a loose white tank top and a pair of light blue cotton shorts. The way his finger tips left a hot trail wherever be touched was getting me way to worked up in my tired state. I scolded him twice before he actually stopped. I told him that he might not need much sleep due to his immortality but I'm still human and I need mine. He eventually let up and let me sleep.

Before I fell asleep I had to ask one more question, I asked him about the clothes Jade had bought for me, wondering if he would bring them by but he said he could just keep them there at his house for next time. Thank god I was turned away because my face held the deepest blush and the most goofy smile... Not that it mattered my heart swelled and races in my chest, even if he wasn't a vampire he would be able to hear my erratic heart beat. I could practically feel the grin on his handsome face. I fell back asleep in the safety of his arms, dreaming of the many other next times we will have.

Sunday was spent mostly in my room doing as much homework as I could. Marcus keep distracting me always touching, kissing and tickling me. I got the poem done for his class, I really wanted to write something for him but he wouldn't leave me alone long enough to get one word on the paper.

So I wrote a poem talking about staying strong through hard times and stuff like that. But when I asked if I could read his, since he promised the class to make his own, he refused, saying it was a surprise for the class and that included me. When I pouted about it he practically tickled me to death so I couldn't stay mad for long.

My mom had gone out all day to visit her sister, Vicky. She lives about three hours away but mom hasn't seen her in a while. After she married my dad her family resented her, they didn't even know the abuse he put us through. But when he left and the divorce was final she tried to reconnect with them, when she told them what happened they felt awful. It was still hard for her to completely forgive them after ditching her completely but Vicky's been the best to my Mother by far.

I know I should have gone but I wanted to spend the day with Marcus. My excuse for her was that I had tons of homework, which was technically true.

"Come on let's get out, you have to be hungry" he squeezes my arms against my body from behind, crushing me to his hard chest, not that I minded. I uncross my legs and crawl out of his lap.

I lean over to my nightstand and grab my phone off the charger, is it really already three?

for breakfast Marcus had gone out early and bought me a chicken biscuit and hash-browns from Chick-fil-a. Needless to say it tasted amazing and it was an even better thing to wake up to. He kept poking me and kissing my face until I woke up, he said he missed me too much and wanted to hear my voice. How could I go back to sleep after that adorable plead.

It's just crazy how this man can make me feel. When I'm around him my body feels alive. Each breath leaves my lungs with excitement and my heart pounds with pure adrenaline. I guess that makes since since we are I actually have a soulmate. Until yesterday I didn't think anything besides the norm existed. Vampire, witches, werewolves, sorcerers were only in movies or books. Honestly I couldn't be luckier, he is the most attractive beautiful man I have ever laid my eyes on. I should have seen it right from the start, someone that perfect and beautiful couldn't possibly be human.

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