Chapter 65

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Marcus's POV
I stare down at Rose as we patiently wait for Evangeline and Lucia to arrive. Her eyes are blood shot and dark circle hang low under her blue green orbs. She stares emotionless at the wall of my office, not daring to look up at me.

"You didn't sleep" I tell her

She slowly looks up at me and shakes her head, scanning over my face "neither did you" she says quietly

I know she didn't sleep and she's right I sure as hell didn't either. Imagine not knowing if your soulmate, the person you would do anything for, the person you'll love until the ends of time and the person you never ever want to hurt-imagine not knowing if they would ever forgive you or even come back to you after something you did. How could I sleep, I hurt her... I didn't have her in my arms, I didn't have her sweet smell surrounding me and I didn't have her beautiful face to wake up to. It was the most restless night of my existents. It was hard not crying as her heartbroken face came to mind every time I would close my eyes, causing my heart to clench in my chest as the images of me and Evangeline kissing mixes with Roses stunned face.

Most of the night I would pace the room, angrily running my hands through my hair wondering if I made the right decision when all I could see was Rose walking away from me, leaving me. When I was actually in bed I would stare at the windowsill at the rose I got for her for her birthday, it seemed duller, it didn't have the glow it usually had. It killed me every time I would roll over and not see her there beside me.

I checked all night to see if she had taken the wall down and it wasn't until this morning did she. I took my chance the moment it was down, I couldn't help it,I needed to know if she was ok, if she was coming home, and if she would ever forgive me.

I hear someone drive up the driveway and I turn my head listening to make sure it's them. Amber and Caden stand as the front door opens, Caden fiddles with his hair as she obviously worries about Jade. Even after he picked my top and most trustworthy vampire to protect her he still hasn't stop being anxious since her and Harry left to go speak to the vampire who were supposed to protect Penny.

I hear foot steps coming down the hall and soon the two woman appear in the door frame, Evangeline's hair brightens up the room as she stands there with her golden locks of the sun "what happened?" Lucia asks worriedly, her bright purple eyes looking over each one of us

"You know?" Evangeline stares at me and I nod angrily pulling my eyebrows together and clenching my fists

"Lucia follow me and I'll fill you in" Caden says and begins to walk over to her, taking her arm and leading her out of my office

I feel Rose's anger beside me and when I look down, her face if flushed with rage, her eyes are focused on Evangeline and her eyebrows are pulled together so tight I'm surprised it doesn't hurt "I think me and Rose will go up stairs" Amber says slowly walking over to Rose and taking her arm

Rose looks up at me with an angry but begging face, I know she doesn't want to be around Evangeline but she also doesn't want to leave us alone, does she really not trust me? I bend down to her and take her chin between my fingers pulling her face to mine. I slowly place my lips delicately on her sweet ones for a short moment.

My heart instantly swells at the feeling, for not having kissed Rose since before Evangeline it's one of the sweetest and most amazing kisses I have ever shared with her. I sigh in relief, my lips have longed for hers since the second my lips connected with another's. No kiss could ever amount to when I kiss Rose.

She pulls back, her eyes still closed and lips still pursed. She slowly opens them and I can tell she's a little surprised I did that and, even though she's trying to hide it, she's happy as well.

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