Chapter 32

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She's walking in front of the castle, one of the many trails to town. I'm frozen in place, I want to go to her but I can't move. She begins to walk away further from me and I snap back into reality and turn around completely, running back into the castle.

I run down the stairs as fast as my legs will carry me and bump into the people who have not left yet, not even apologising. I'm only focused on getting to her NOW. I pass my mother and father and they look at me stunned they call out my name but I ignore it and run straight for the doors.

I will not let her get away again

The guards look startled when I race towards them but they open the doors quickly just in time for me to slip out.

I look around franticly and run towards town knowing that is the direction she had headed in. My breath releases from my lungs at a quick pace as I run down the rocky path running faster than I have ever run before.

Her blonde hair comes into sight and I almost trip at the sight of her, I thought I was dreaming.

"Wait! You there!" I call out to her but she is to far away to hear me, I let out a deep breath and push on even faster

I'm almost to her, probably 9 yards away, the words begin to form in my mouth but suddenly I begin to fly. I soar across the air and it felt like the world has gone is slow motion for only a moment until I collided with the hard stone earth with a loud groan. I feel the warm trickle of blood on my hands as I lift them from the ground.

"Oh my god!" I hear a song like voice and lift my eyes to see the woman of my dreams, her bright green eyes meet mine and if I weren't already on the ground I would fall down on my knees at her beauty

Her hands slap over her face in shock and she rushes over to me as I begin to sit up. She grabs my arm trying to hoist me up off the ground, I rub my hands together and pick out all tiny bloody pebbles indented in my hands.

"Are you ok?!" She asks finally looking down at my face and then she gasps "oh my lord!" She bows her head "I am sorry I had no idea it was you" she rushes, her voice is like a melody played by angels

I don't reply just stare up at the beautiful girl I thought was all just a dream "my lord?" She asks after moment of my silence

"Yes? Oh I'm sorry, I am fine thank you" I scramble and stand up now being only inches away from her, her perfect pink lips form her next words

"Are you sure? You're bleeding" she says and reaches up to my eyebrow and her soft fingers run over my skin making me shutter. Her eyes widen and she steps away from me "I am sorry my lord, I should not have touch royalty" she says looking down at the earth

I step close to her not liking the distant she put between us and lift her chin to meet my eye "you may touch me whenever you like" I whisper and her eyes look like they may bulge out of her head and even in the darkness I see a deep blush form on her cheeks. Two braids pull back the front parts of her beautiful glowing hair and I tuck a lose strand behind her ear. Her dress is simple, nothing like I have seen tonight with all the girls trying to convince me to marry them they, of course, wore the most expensive materials. But her's was a cream and light blue colored long sleeved dress showing only a small fraction of her glowing skin.

After a moment of silence I ask the question I had begged to know since yesterday "what is your name?"

Her eyes look away and stick back to the ground "Evangeline" it comes out as a whisper

Foreverजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें