Chapter 51

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When we get in there all the kids are turned around in there sets and talking loud, Mrs. Jackson is at her desk grading papers. Jade waves us over and we go sit down "hey" I say throwing my bag on the desk and getting out my folder

"Hey" she seems a bit worried

"What's wrong?" I ask tuning around in my seat and holding her arm

"Nothing I just...have a bad feeling" she says shaking her head

"Did you have a vision?" I ask, my anxiety levels growing

"No, no I just...I don't know I feel like I'm about to see something I just can't" she says, I look over to Harry and he looks a bit worried as well, his eyebrows are furrowed in deep thought "has Caine got in your head since me, my mom and gran did the spell?" she asks with a hushed voice

"No why?" I ask

"Just wanted to know if it worked, we thought we would have to do it often but I guess not" she shakes her head

"Do you think he got in your head and is messing up your visions?" I ask

She shake her head "no, I would know if he had" she tells me and the bell rings a second later

I turn around and face the board my mind still worrisome. I don't like Jade like this, I wonder if Caden or Marcus knows what's wrong? I'm sure she would have told Caden.

"Ok guys pass your homework up and turn to page 537 and do numbers 7-19, 24-36, 38 and 40, if you listened to my lesson yesterday you will have no problem doing these now get to work it's due at the end of class" Mrs.Jackson says as all the students pass there worksheets to the front, she collects them and then walks back to her seat

I lug out the huge textbook from under my desk and turn to the right page. I get started and thank god I actually listened yesterday. I get stuck on a few problems but Harry helps me quietly.

"Just remember the square root is always-" he stops talking and looks down to his pants pocket, he grabs his phone and looks down at the screen

A goofy picture of Caden pops up and I giggle as he answers the phone "you're going to get in trouble" I whisper yell he shrugs and bring the phone up to his ear

I hear Caden say something on the other line and Harrys face grows pale
"you're sure?" He asks and I hear jumbled voices "ok we're coming" he says and hangs up

He grabs my arm and forces me to stand "we have to go" he says and turns to Jade "Jade come on, grab your stuff; both of you" he demands

Jade looks seriously confused and I'm sure I look the same way. I pick up my bag and she does the same, all the students are looking at us like we're crazy. He walks over to Mrs.Jacksons desk and starts to talk to her but I can't hear what he's saying. He walks back over to us, leaving Mrs.Jackson looking like she's in a daze.

Harry grabs both our arms and leads us out of the classroom, quickly dragging us down the deserted hallway.

"Did you just compel our teacher?!" I ask trying to keep my feet moving in front of me

"Yes" he says not looking at me but still pulling us roughly

I huff and pull my arm out of his grasp "what's going on?!" I demand

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