Chapter 21

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Marcus's POV
I sit down at my desk grading papers until the bell for first period rings. I wish it could just be third already, I see her in her dreams but I know it's real here. Jade told me yesterday that she didn't know if the dreams were good for Rose, she said they made her almost feel worse about loosing me. I don't want her to feel that way, I try to make her feel as loved as possible in her dream.

I don't know how much longer I can put up with this, not being able to touch her and hold her in real life. We are mates, we were made for each other, not for this.

Caden and I discussed the Caine situation after he spent some time with Jade. We're still so conflicted on what the hell we should do. We talked with another vampire wanting to cross the border to my land and he told us similar news like the family from before. He said all of Caine's loyal vampires had been feeding more and more to the point were I had heard about it in the news. He's also treating the low rank vampires like shit. He has yet to find out about vampires crossing the border, he of course knows the border is there but he has no idea I keep taking more and more of his vampires away from him. Not that he will notice, he obviously doesn't care about them.

Caine hurt my mate and has threatened me multiple times. Caden tells me to to wait and he will set up the vampires to train, he is a mighty warrior and if anyone is going to lead and teach an army for me I would choose him in a heart beat.

He told me he would have my greatest vampires  sign up, we don't know if there will be a war but if there is we have to be ready for it. I've heard Caine has a powerful warlock helping him. We are to start training next Friday, hopefully in that time Caine will leave us alone.

I look up to my clock and I have ten more minutes till my first period comes in. There's a knock at my door and my head snaps up from the papers, my mind and heart begs it to be Rose but it's not her scent I smell.

"Come in" I call out, Caden steps in my room wearing light jeans and a simple grey T-shirt "what are you doing here?" I ask

"What can't I come see my lord slash best friend" he says smirking but I can tell he has some news to tell me. I get the feeling it isn't good "I just came to drop off Jade" he explains, I nod, my first thought is I wish I could drive Rose to school

"Oh" I say

"Yeah I saw Rose on my way up here to your classroom" he says rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly

"And?" I draw out wanting to know why he's acting so odd

" know how I was going to take Jade out to that club, Tunnel, the one my friend Dean owns, well Jade wanted her friends to come along so now Amber, Luke, Rose..-" he says her name slowly with his head down, he takes a long pause and I'm getting irritated and grip my desk. I stop before I break it like I did the other one. That was quite the story to tell to the principle when I had to asks for another desk. "and....Scott, he coming too"

"What" I say as my fangs contract down, pushing through my gums as a result of my anger, I stand up and try to find something to hit or break. My hand collides with the white stone wall,  pain shoots through my hand all the way up my arm, yes vampires feel pain. I start to throw things mainly papers, I want to scream and kill Scott, the anger inside of me is higher than its even been. Images of Scott grinding on Rose goes through my mind, him touching her all over her beautiful perfect body, him kissing her plump pink lips, Him kissing down her naked body as she moans out his name over and over repeat in my head.

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