Chapter 55

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*Reid's Pov*

*Day of Lunch*

A blood curdling scream echoed. Was that my mate? I couldn't tell from the pandemonium that lay out in front of me. One minute I was proposing to my mate, the next, rouges fled onto the site. Blood Lust.

I had only seconds to shift before a giant wolf tackled me to the floor. The women ran for the pack houses. Some stayed to fight but most had young children who they had to protect. All the guys stayed to fight. I was waiting on the pack army to help alleviate the situation because we were severely outnumbered. Some women tonight would end up mateless.

When I trained my men, I trained them to respond to any crisis in the matter of a few minutes. "Minute Men" I often teased them. I chose this name after the story of the men in the revolutionary war who would respond to a Redcoat attack in mere minutes.

The quicker they came the quicker we could win this. Rouges were usually not well trained, but these men were. They were an organized rouge group. An irony in and of itself.

I jumped on one wolf's back and ripped his head off. I was so much stronger than the last time I had foolishly gone into battle. I charged at another wolf and lifted him off of Matt. Matt thanked me for that and together we headed into another fight with wolves.

I had a split second to catch my breath. 'Cara honey, if you are safe, then please answer me.' Still no answer. It felt like I had been talking to a brick wall. I started to panic. I lost concentration and a rouge took me off guard. He went for my hind leg and ripped a chunk off of it. I fell over. He jumped on me and I struggled to get him off. I could feel his teeth sinking into me, trying to find the perfect spot in my neck to dig into. I couldn't let that happen. With a burst of energy I kicked him off. He was lifted into the air and as he fell I jump and tore into his chest cavity right for his heart. The neck and the heart were the hardest but deadliest points if correctly managed.

The pack army came one by one, in less than three minutes they had all arrived. Now we outnumbered the rouges. Seeing that I liked our odds, I took a pause from fighting. I could not hear my mate's reassuring voice come through mind link and I didn't know where she was.

When the fighting looked to be turning in our favor. I left Matt in charge and ran home, anxious to see my mate. I was praying she heeded my advice and stayed safe, that she didn't leave the house.

I got home in literally a minute. I burst through the doors and mounted the stairs quickly. Immediately I could smell different scents intermingled in the house. Hers and Max were the most prevalent. My nose detected another but I was hoping it was only nerves and paranoia that had me imagine it.

I ran up the stairs, disoriented by the smell of blood. Whose blood was that?

"Cara where are you, it's me?" I yelled desperately.

No answer. Why wasn't she answering?

The smell of blood seemed to be coming uniquely from the bathroom. I paused. If she was lying in there hurt, or worse, dead.... I forbid myself to think of the worst case scenario.

I took a deep breath and opened the door.

The sight in front of me was too much. i staggered and fell onto the blood splattered floors, as I watched the lifeless body in front of me.

"No." I moaned.


Reid's Pov

*The night before *

After a long day and night of training, I was relieved to sink into bed with my mate. She waited up for me, which I hated because it only deprived her of necessary sleep.

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