Chapter 16

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*Cara's Pov *

Coming back from a light jog, nothing was more satisfying than a nice warm shower. It was becoming a ritual to go for daily jogs before getting tutored. Even though my tutor cancelled on me today, I still went for a jog. It made me de-stress from all my worrying about starting school.

I officially start school on Monday. I would have started sooner but I needed to get like a dozen shots before I could go to school. Yeah that didn't go too well, needles are not my friend.

After 30 minutes I stepped out of the shower. Dad was going to kill me when I got downstairs, he constantly accused me of wasting water, which I did not deny. It was not my fault showers felt so damn good.

I put on a towel and checked myself in the mirror, my eyes were still red from last night. I'd been having the same recurring nightmare for days now and every day I would wake up in tears. I had no clue why this was happening. I was happy now, I shouldn't have to be constantly reminded of what I went through, it's not fair that this was happening. Even Ashley didn't get nightmares.

I went straight for my room. I opened my closet trying to find some clothes to sleep in. It may be 8 o clock, but I wanted to try to go back to sleep, or at least attempting to. Right now I probably looked like a sleep deprived zombie.

I fell back asleep for two or three hours. When I woke up the whole house smelt like Reid. I frowned, was this a dream, or nightmare? I heard a laugh coming from downstairs that sounded like him as well, oh god I was probably dreaming.

I felt this invisible force tug at me to go downstairs and see for myself. I clutched the handle of the steps nervously and then I scolded myself for letting the nightmares make me paranoid. With limited courage I walked down the stairs.

My heart jumped when I saw him talking to Ashley on the couch. His back was faced to me and only Ashley could see me.

"Reid, what are you doing here?" I stepped tentively to them. Reid turned around, his presence alone comforting me. He stood up and despite my slight reservations of this all being some kind of dream/nightmare, I hugged him. "What are you doing back so soon, why are you here, I can't believe this." I buried myself deeper into his chest as his arms wrapped themselves around me instinctively.

He pulled away first, "I decided to leave early because I need to take care of some business, so I took an early flight here instead of driving."

"Oh," I said slightly disappointed. I for some strange reason thought he came back because he missed me, but I guess everything with him was "business". That was the life of the Alpha's son.

As if picking up on this cue he responded,"I also came back because I've been feeling some mate withdrawal." His kissed me reassuringly. He looked at me amused. "Nice bed head by the way baby." He touched my hair.

I froze and felt my hair, oh god, he was right, "wait here don't move." I ran upstairs quickly, brushed my hair into a ponytail, changed out of my clothes into something prettier, and ran back down in record time. I did manage to slip on the last step but I caught myself in time from doing serious damage.

"So, what's this urgent business that brought you home so soon?" I asked wondering if he would tell me now or "later", or if he would even tell me at all.

"Later," he said receiving a pointed look from me, "no I actually mean it this time, I have to go home and unpack first, so come with me and I'll tell you everything."

"Okay," I shrugged prentending to be nonchalant about it, but really I was giddy about the whole thing. I'd been missing him too, so the offer was something I wouldn't pass up. "How do I know that this isn't some elaborate rouse to make me do all the unpacking huh?" I stood up wrapping my arms around him again. My face inches away from him.

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