chapter 20

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The routine of school then running became mandatory for us. Even two months later we were still chasing each other down throughout the woods. I could never get tired of him and I hoped that he felt the same. The best thing about being with him was the fact that I felt comfortable around him but yet still on my toes. I never knew what we would be doing next, what else he still had yet to show me. Sometimes after a long day I would fall asleep on his shoulder or lap and I would wakeup to see that he hadn't moved at all from his spot so he wouldn't wake me. He was just a naturally good guy, yes he did have some anger issues(his phone calls and visits with his father were the number one reason for his grumpiness), but all in all, he was someone I never thought existed; especially not for me.

Waking up was always a challenge for me. Now that Reid frequented my bed practically every night and left early in the morning, I was addicted to sleeping. I never dreamt up any more nightmares, I was faced with peaceful slumber.

I was an insomniac turned sleep addict. I felt as if opening one eye alone would cause some kind of nuclear explosion. So to save the world, sleeping in was necessary for me. I knew eventually I would have to wake up and go to school, but right now I was enjoying the quietness and serenity of being awake with my eyes closed. What would make it even better would be if Reid was sleeping here with me right now.

Reid always left thirty minutes before dad woke up. He would go to the pack office to work before coming back to take me to school. My dad had already caught him sneaking into my room and he handled it well. He said he would pretend like it wasn't happening. So Reid was allowed to come over during or after dinner and he left before my dad went to work. Sometimes before bed, we even watched movies with my dad and played board games. It helped improve my relationship with my dad and it helped Reid to bond with him too.

I rolled over to my phone and dialed Reid's number. He answered on the third ring.

"Hey there." I purred into the phone.

"Hey babe."

"Can you take me to school?" I rolled off my bed and made my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth. What also had become a routine was him taking me to school. I didn't even need to call but I still did because I liked to hear his voice.

"Already on my way." I heard him start his ignition. I estimated he would be here in about ten minutes so I rushed to get myself ready. I looked at my hair with sustained irritation. I guess a ponytail would do. I brushed a few loose strands into place. I rummaged through the closet trying to find a shirt and shorts but I couldn't, I must have worn them all. Jeez I was predictable. I searched through my side of the closet for clothes. Yeah, you heard me, my side of the closet. Ashley did so much shopping that not only did she take up her entire closet downstairs, but partially some of mine as well. Even though she was gone, the clothes stayed.

I had significantly less clothing and it was fine with me. On school days, I was a simple person. If I ever wanted to really dress to impress, then I would borrow something from Ashley's side. It was looking like today would be the day. I put on a  strappy black spaghetti strap  body suit and high waisted blue jeans. Thank good Ashley and I were the same size.

I left my hair down and wore some silver rings. For makeup, I was feeling in a good mood so I put on some concealer, mascara,
eyeliner, and chapstick. That added five minutes to my time, and my phone buzzed in my pocket meaning Reid was outside.

I ran down the stairs and zoomed past my dad. "Goodbye to you too." I heard my dad grumble somewhere around the house. I yelled a goodbye shutting the door.

"Hey Reid." I said kissing him once I got in. He complemented me on my outfit, and I told him it was Ashley's clothes. I strapped my seatbelt in and put on the radio waiting for us to pull out of the driveway."Wait, I forgot my bag sorry." I ran back inside to get it.When I got back Reid was changing the radio station. I rolled my eyes. I switched it to my station, and moved my head to the beat of music. I was staring out the window when I heard the music switch back. I stared at Reid angrily."Hey!"

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