Chapter 25

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*Cara's Pov*

*few days later *
"Ashley what are you doing give me back my papers." I stood up from my desk. I literally stayed up all last night doing my project. I finished my rough draft and final copy and now I was checking it over for any mistakes. Or at least I was checking it over till Ashley's hands clamped down on it and snatched it from me."Ashley seriously please do not crease it and fold the edges." I chased her around the house for it.

Finally she conceded and handed it to me."You're no fun when you're grumpy." She pouted and trudged her way to the kitchen. Ashley unfortunately took off from school today and as a result of that is badgering for me to do something with her.
I finished my part of the project around 2 in the morning so fortunately all I had to do when I got back to LA was to make everything look organized and pretty.

I joined Ashley in the kitchen.She was retrieving two bowls from the kitchen."So I was thinking, why don't we go to the city today. Do a little shopping, explore the sights."She poured cereal in the bowls and placed them on the counter for me.

I shook my head slowly,"Um Ash, I don't think that's a good idea, I don't want to do anything big. I have the project to work on." Ticket prices were too expensive today, but Ashley had a cousin who worked at the airport who said he could probably get me on a midnight flight. He would call later with a final decision.

"It'll be fun, don't you want to shop, and eat at a fancy smancy restaurant?"

"Um no." I laughed truthfully. I still wanted to work on my project and mope around. Ashley's eyes flickered to annoyance quickly and then in a snap it was gone. It always freaked me out how quickly she was able to do that. "But I'm sure it would be fun."I said to pacify her. It worked because she gave me a smug look.

Ashley was very much used to getting her way and everyone else was used to giving it to her. "Well what kind of friend would I be if I didn't let you see the "wonderful" city?" She feigned innocence.

A good one, I mummered to myself but she didn't catch it. She was too busy putting away our dishes. She watched me curiously.

"How ARE you feeling?"She asked.

"I'm feeling like someone who doesn't want to go into the city today, but I'll go, it'll get my mind off of Reid."

"You're still thinking about him?" She threw her hands up exasperated. "That's it, we are definitely going to the city because for this whole entire mini vacation your mind has been stuck only on Reid."

I felt the pit in my stomach grow deeper. It's been days since the last time I have spoken to him. "Ashley, I can't talk about him right now. Let's just go upstairs and get ready."

From the room over, Ashley's mother could be heard opening the front door. I couldn't make out what she was saying but she was talking to a stranger at the door it seemed. Ashley's mother called from the front door. "Hey girls, Reid Melovitch is at the door, should I let him in?"

My eyes widened. I wanted to shake my head no but yet I ran at full speed towards him. I stopped at the door and gasped. "Reid."

He was standing there with his hands in his pockets. He raised his eyes to me and I saw relief, sadness and regret filling them. I opened my mouth to say something else but no words came.

Ashley stepped in front of me instinctively."Hello Reid."

"Hello Ashley, Cara." His voice was clipped and his eyes hard when he focused his attention on Ash. "If it's not a problem, I need to speak to Cara for a moment."

"Reid that's not a good idea." My voice was nearly mute and my eyes travelled down to my feet. Looking at him was too painful in this moment. I had secretly prayed he'd come, and now that he had, it felt more like a dream than anything. If I looked into his eyes again, I might burst out in tears.

Capturing My Mate *Rated R* (Book #1) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang