Chapter 5

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*Reid's POV*

2 days later....

The plans were set, in tomorrow night they were coming.It seemed almost unreal that I would be leaving this place. It had been four months since I had entered this prision, but these measly months could not possibly compare to the years some of these girls spent in here. Especially my mate, who spent 10 whole years in here.

She was special, I read her file at least 20 times over after her shift. Now I fully comprehended why they wanted to keep her here, what they were planning to do with her. And it was much sinister than just using her for breeding, that was just one variable in what was to come.

At least she would be safe in two days, I reminded myself.We just needed to tread lightly through what would be a series of riptides. I walked through the corridors leading to the training room, needing to get rid of access energy. I got there to see about a few rouges in there. The rest must have been scattered around the vicinity. It struck me odd that so few were in here seeing as the training room was a popular place for rouges to occupy. Then I remembered most must still be watching the captured footage of Cara in the viewing room, and almost immediately my calm expression clouded over. She returned back to her cell last night but they were replaying some of the footage they took from her.

I would have visited her when she returned but it was far too dangerous for her to be out of the room so soon,and I wasn't willing to risk her safety.

I took all my fustration out on the punching bag in front of me. Steven's face would be the target practice.

After a few rounds of this, I moved on to the weights to finish off my workout.

There came a low murmur from behind and my head snapped towards the direction. Rouges.

"So she really is the 'one' huh.I'd expected someone older. She's barely even shifted.With her life might I add.'' A rouge spoke up.

"Yeah well she is special alright, she's actually the  'last female ', it's no wonder they captured her so young, imagine if they'd waited a year, she might have been in another country by then."A taller rouge countered.

"They were smart to hide her amidst the other girls like a regular. If she was to be treated as a royal, then suspicions would have been aroused. Others from the outside would have found out who she was and would have tried to rescue her years ago." His voice grew distant.

"Now that she's shifted, we'll be unstoppable."

"The Commander is mating her tomorrow night apparently. He's desperate to get her pregnant. He wants an heir, and what better one with half royal blood. That child will truly be a beast."

I was instantly out of the room.I'd heard enough, if I had been slightly more reckless, I would have ripped their heads off right then and there, and then Steven's right after. But, I wouldn't dare to jeopardize my mate's life just because of my temper.But if there had been a good enough time to kill someone, it would be now.

I took a run outside in wolf form. My wolf was starting to get restless, and I couldn't blame him. We were surrounded by rouges who watched your every move.

I made sure to only do a quick run.We were allowed to stay within five miles of the vicinity. I had to make sure no one could see me, if they saw my wolf, they would know I had Alpha blood in me, and then my cover would be blown. Wolves with Alpha blood were larger than average wolves, and their fur fuller than the average wolf.  I quickly shifted back to human form, too cautious to run longer.I put on a pair of pants and started walking back to the base, my mind swarming with thoughts. These last nights were essential, and I couldn't afford to blow everything. But one thing for certain was that tomorrow night my mate would NOT be mated unless it was to be to me.

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