Chapter 48

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*Cara's Pov*

I could hear him behind me, several feet behind but still his footsteps were loud and heavy.I was running as fast as I could but I knew it would soon be too late. I dodged trees and bushes and tried making my heavy footsteps appear light. All I was wearing to cover my body was Reid's oversized shirt. Speaking of Reid, it now sounded like he was just steps behind.I had a head start in the beginning but now Reid was catching up. I couldn't let him catch me. Back then Reid always won and I was determined to beat him this time.

'Cara I see you.' The hairs on my neck stood up. How could he? I made a sharp left. I rested at a tree trying to catch my breath. I was going to cheat and use my wolf, just to get more distance. I took off my remaining clothes and shifted. Carrying them in my mouth, I ran as far as I could away from Reid. 'Catch me if you can.'

I ended up at a small stream. I realized only then that I was thirsty. Dropping my clothes, I lowered my head to drink water. I sighed as fresh water entered my system. It was nice and cool to the touch, and even better to drink.

I looked up briefly when I saw something from the corner of my eye. Dismissing it as nothing, I went back to drinking. As soon as my head lowered, I felt something strong barrel into me. The force was strong enough to topple me, but not enough to actually cause me pain. Nonetheless, I was on the ground in seconds with Reid's wolf standing over me, his paw was pressing me down forcing me not to move.

"Reid!" I struggled in vain, trying to get up.'Let me up.' I was embarrassed at having been caught cheating. Thank god I was not in human form, or I'd be fire hydrant red right now.

He pressed down harder on my chest.'You're a dirty little cheater.' Reid nipped my ear as punishment. When he eased his hold, I sprang up growling like a young irritated pup. I didn't like being punished.

'Technically there were no rules!" I said defiantly."You said run and I'll chase you. Well, I was just running wasn't I?! It's not my fault you're slow."

Reid came at me again but I dodged him. We literally were at a stand off. Reid was blocking the path back to the house. He would never let me just run past him.

I scooped up my clothes in my mouth.

Ducking my head, I walked slowly up to him; tail between my legs and everything. 'I'm so sorry.' I rubbed myself on him. 'That you couldn't catch up.' I head butted him softly and ran back to the house.

I've never ran so fast in my life. Reid was literally at my tail. I was the prey, he was the predator. At least the good news was, the prey always runs faster than the predator. I shifted near to the house and he shifted too, lifting me in the air.

I was laughing so hard. Gasping for air, I begged,"put me down Reid." I flailed my legs trying to get away. He turned me so he could reach my lips. I stopped protesting.

We both sank to the floor. We were both laughing now. "Did you really think I was going to give in that easily," I burst out in a fit of giggles.

He laughed, cupping my face. "Yes, and I learned my lesson, the head butt though was definitely a nice touch. My mate has some survival skills." He kissed me. "It was a good thing she learned from the best." He murmured into my mouth.

I rolled my eyes, one could never accuse Reid of being humble. Even in giving me a compliment he still managed to compliment himself!

As Reid's kisses became more increasing, I was becoming more and more aware of the predicament Reid and I landed ourselves into. And I could feel his hand dangerously sloping downwards.

I wasn't helping myself in the situation either. I moaned quietly hoping he wouldn't realize how desperately I wanted him. But he could smell the lust on me. Even I could smell my own lust.

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