Chapter 37

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*Reid's Pov*

A couple of days have past since the rouge situation. Cara moved on with no difficulty but I was still stuck on it. It always amazed me how quickly she was able to move from things. She was kidnapped for a full decade of her life. Any other person would need years of therapy and maybe even medication. Except for occasional nightmares, she was normal. She was strong and could handle anything.

Me on the other hand? Not so much. I couldn't stop feeling guilt at knowing that because of me she would be in danger. She would be a target for rouges and it was all my fault. It became hard to face her, knowing that every single second spent with her only increased her chances of being discovered. I took a trip to Washington. Not only to deal with pack related issues but to get away from Cara as well.

Of course in my absence I doubled up more wolves to guard her house and the woods. I also made sure either Max or Kevin was with her at all times. They all knew what had happened and would do anything for my mate.

"Reid. So how is the mate situation?"

I looked up into the cold uncaring eyes of my father. He didn't care a bit what happened to Cara, he was more concerned in losing the valuable "original" who was unfortunately paired with the sorry excuse he called a son. She was a commodity to him, something he would have easily traded had it not been for the fact that she and I were mates.

Still he was Alpha. I had to report to him on everything. We were currently sitting in a car driving back from Washington. Traffic was a literal pain in the ass. Sitting in silence in standstill traffic was unbearable. The car had been this ghostly silent for the whole trip. Even Matt, who acted as the occasional buffer between my father and I remained silent.

My father repeated his command into my mind-link and I fought off the wave of repulsion that overcame me. "The wolves I assigned to guard her house have noticed some unusual wolf scents lingering around her house. They think it might be the same wolves who attacked us by the camp site. They also found two more rouge trails in the woods, they led nowhere however. There also have been several wolves scents around Matt and my house. Definitely rouges."

"Congrats son," he said sarcastically,"it only took you months to figure out what it would have taken a day's work to do. The question is what are you going to do about the girl? Obviously you cannot keep contact with her knowing what the risk of such acquaintance would do to her." He discussed the possible life and death of my mate like he was talking about some mediocre sports game.

Still he managed to keep his condescending tone and dour expression intact. That aspect of him never wavered. I looked out the passenger side of the car. I knew what I had to do but I didn't want to. We just got out of a fight, our emotions were way too invested to sever the ties all over again.

"I know, I am aware of that but things will be too messy. We are supposed to visit her parents in the following week. I need to go with her."

"Are you crazy?!" Matt said with a slight waver to his voice. "If you step on the airplane with her and travel to meet her parents you will tip off every rouge in the country as to who your mate is and what she is. You cannot go on that trip."

My father simply shrugged.

I slammed my hand down on the dashboard. "Unbelievable!Who the hell is she supposed to go with then?"

"She will go with her father and Matt. That's plenty of people." My dad said.

I stayed silent and Matt spoke up."I have no problem assisting her. If that's okay with Reid first."

My father looked slightly disturbed. In only six words Matt proved that his allegiance lied with me, not my father; regardless of if he was Alpha or not.

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