Chapter 13

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*Cara's Pov*

I woke up tears from what was supposed to be a a great sleep. The problem with my dream was that it wasn't something out of a hollywood blockbuster, there were no killer clowns or people holding chainsaws. It was the type of nightmare that was gut wrenching because it replayed a terrifying moment that I had already experienced.

I dreamt that I was running in the woods and that sub guard was chasing me. This time there were no trees to climb in, no way to get away. I couldn't even shift. I tried like Reid said to shift, but I couldn't, and I thought surely this time I was going to die.

The problem was waking up. I didn't wake up to where I am now, sweating and crying, I woke up to another dream. A dream worse than that because this time it concerned my mate. I dreamt that he was killed by Steven during their fight at the base.

When I woke up for the third time, I thought I'd be waking up to something worse than the two nightmares combined, but thankfully the familiar  lime-green walls of my room alerted me to the fact that I was no longer dreaming.

I would be okay and so would Reid. I still pinched myself just to make sure. I got out of bed and looked at the mirror to see if I looked just as bad as I felt. Yeah, I did. Drool hung off the side of my mouth, tear marks were on my face, my eyes were red; I looked like an absolute mess.

With a sigh, I dragged myself to the bathroom and washed my face with soap. Great just great my eyes were red from crying. I brushed my teeth, humming to pass the time. I tried not to think much of the dreams and more about my date with Reid.

I laughed, even Ashley had me saying the word date. I didn't even know it was in fact a "date". All he said was "tomorrow, you'll see me tomorrow". For all I know he could just be just dropping by. Nothing romantic at all, just a quick hi and bye. Secretly I was hoping Ashley's psychic powers would be in full mode and she would be right about the date.

I went downstairs and said good morning to my dad. He was in the kitchen making coffee.

"So Cara, it's your first day officially home, what do you say we do today?"

I paled."Oh, well uhh Reid is coming over, and we uhhh might go out somewhere." I said quickly. He looked defeated. "But I can cancel if you want."

"No, no it's fine." He sipped his cup, and I finally noticed he was wearing a suit.

"Dad you're such a mean person, you're totally going to work today." I waved my fork at him accusingly. He smiled knowing he was caught. I can't believe for a second I almost felt bad.

I started laughing, "You're horrible, I thought you were serious." Relief flooded through me, I didn't want to hurt my dad's feelings and I knew how important it was to bond and establish some sort of relationship.

"So, when are you leaving?" My dad asked.

"Uhhh, I don't really know. He didn't really say, but I'm guessing some time in the afternoon." I put my elbows on the table.

"So you're just going to wait around for him all day, what if he doesn't show up?"

He made a good point, what if he didn't show up, what if I was setting myself up for disappointment? I snapped out of it and refused to become downcast.  He was going to come because he said he would, and if he didn't, I would drag him here. "I don't know dad, but I trust him."

"Ok, but if I were you, I would be ready at 1:30. Just saying." Dad hinted.

"Dad,"I warned, raising my fork again, "what do you know? Did he call last night and say anything?" I pointed my fork at him. I was willing to do anything to glean the information from him.

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