Chapter 42

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1 year later

*Cara's Pov*

I drove past his house without even glancing. His house didn't evoke a reaction in me anymore. I couldn't muster up any feeling, didn't have the time to shed a tear at his expense. It has been a year since I'd last seen him. 365 days of complete and utter absence.

But I no longer obsessed about him. I thought about him yes but it could never be for long.He didn't allow me to. Ever since he used his Alpha's voice on me, I was forced to follow his orders. His command wasn't strong enough to have me completely forget about him, but it was strong enough where he wouldn't be the common staple of thought that circulated through my mind.

He forced me to take his advice and move on, and I didn't have a choice on the matter. Every time he came through my mind, a newer thought was bound to replace him. If not then I got insane headaches for going against orders.

I still loved him, he could never get rid of that feeling,but now I had distractions that stopped me from even trying to ponder what could have been. The first distraction of mine was in five minutes.I drove(yes I finally got a license) to work. I worked at Peppi's Pizza. It was not a fun job, but it was the only place to hire a girl with basically no job experience.

I walked into the door five minutes early for my shift. I walked up to my boss, feeling a sense of pride for being early. People came late for their shifts all the time, but heaven forbid if I show up late. My boss Frank hated me, literally despised me because I rejected his attempts at flirting with me early on into me working at the pizzeria. I never spoke much around him and he preferred it that way. I had no friends either, who would want to be friends with the girl that the boss had a personal vendetta out against?Certainly not me.

Today however he seemed particularly mean."Cara get your ass over here."He motioned for me to come closer.

"Yes Frank?" I ducked my head when I approached him. I didn't want to cause any trouble or give him a reason to harass me further.

"You're early, that's a surprise." He scoffed."You're reward is cleaning up the counters when you're shift is over. But right now, table four is practically calling your name. Chop Chop." He plastered a fake smile on his face.

I opened my mouth to protest at the unfairness but stayed silent. The last time I opened my mouth to speak out, I had my weekends taken away and my hours longer.

Still, I couldn't help but fume over the abundance of workers who sat around doing nothing. They did two or three tables to meet quota but then sat around while I was forced to wait the rest. It's not even like I made great tips for all those extra tables that were so "generously" delegated to me. Our restaurant had a tip sharing policy so all the tops at the end of the day were split between all the employees. Therefore I worked double the tables and reaped no profit.

The only reason why I even stayed was because I needed the job experience and because it was a good distraction from all the drama my life managed to accumulate. Still, I had worked here for five months now. Four months too long if you asked me.

Ten o clock came and finally it was my turn to leave. After cleaning all the tables and counters, I said goodbye to everyone and made my way home. God, I really hated my job. I had no friends and I was worked like a pack mule. But it kept me preoccupied during the summer.

My second distraction was by far the more superior one. I volunteered at a day care center for young pups in our pack. The ages ranged from three to ten. Their parents wanted an outlet for them in summer, and our doors were open. I worked there from 8 to 3 and then rushed home for my second job at the Pizzeria.

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