Chapter 26

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When I returned to Ashley's , she was buzzing around in nervous energy. Reid was waiting in the car. He used his connections and got us tickets to return home in 3 hours, so we needed to hurry to the airport now.

I walked in and headed upstairs. She joined me and sat on the bed. "What are you doing?"

"Thanks so much Ashley, for everything, but I'm leaving. Time to return home." I buzzed around the room picking up any stray clothes and items.

"With Reid? Now?" She questioned.

"Yes." I grabbed my pocketbook and stuffed my dirty clothes inside. I thanked Ashley for the clothes that she let me borrow.

"Anytime you need me, I'm here. I think you are making the right choice. Everyone fucks up Cara, but just because they do doesn't mean that they are Steven. I'm really happy Reid is in your life, despite everything,I think he's good for you."

Where were these words of advice a few days ago?

"I love you Ash and thank you." We hugged and she buried her head in my neck. I said goodbye to her parents as well and promised I'd return to visit again.

When I got in the car, Reid was changing the station on the radio. He found the pop station and grinned at me. I smiled back. We made light conversation to the airport and on the flight back.

"Such a long flight." I muttered.

"Normally I hate planes. I much prefer to drive, even though it would have taken days. I would have liked to drive back but I didn't think you'd come home with me if I proposed it."

"You thought right." I laughed. When I woke up, my head was resting on Reid's shoulder. I looked up at him and blushed. We were landing in 2 minutes.

Suddenly i frowned. "My dad's going to kill me you know. I didn't tell him where I went."

"I told him so he knows you're safe but he's still going to kill you mate." Reid kissed my forehead.

And kill me he did. When I landed at the airport I called him and he told me that he wanted to come pick me up. We decided it made no sense to do that and I would have a stern talking to when I returned home. I was not looking forward to that at all.

When I got home, I told Reid it was better that I see him at school the next day. He kissed me on the cheek and made sure I got in safely before leaving. When I came into the house, my dad was sitting in the living room.He looked up and caught my eye; I flinched from his cold stare.This wasn't the stare of someone excited to be reunited with his 'daughter', this was the stare of one seriously pissed off fellow.

I walked to him and said meekly.."Hi dad, how have you been?" His face did not scream amused, eventually he cracked and pulled me into a hug. I was squeezed so close to him I had to literally tear myself away.

"Thank god you're safe, do you know how worried I've been." Relief flooded his face and he pulled me into another hug. I smiled, he wasn't my dad but he sure as hell acted and loved me as one."Honey, you are so grounded, I don't know when you'll be able to see daylight again" He still held a warm tone but I frowned.

"I'm grounded?" I stared at him bewildered.I didn't see that coming. He nodded and I opened my mouth to speak but he cut me off.

"You don't know how worried I was when Reid came over my house to ask where you were. I assumed you two had another fight and it would blow over in a day or two, then I come to find out you were in New York. Of all places Cara; New York! Do you know how worried I was?" His voice grew louder with each sentence. I felt guilty for stressing him out so much, but he was keeping a major secret from me as well.

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