Volume 6, Chapter 5 - "Running From Your Fears"

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(Spectre's P.o.V)

I had recurring thoughts about my defeat at Mount Corvus, I couldn't get that day out of my mind. The Phantom was bad enough to deal with but the Blackbird was on a whole other level than what that idiot could ever achieve. At least I could console myself with the thought that he was out of my way and gone forever. And yet, I grew more and more anxious as the days went by; I couldn't stand the thought that there is a warrior stronger than the Sovereign of Remnant. So, to correct this, I decided to seclude myself in Evernight Castle to train, only ever leaving the battlefield to attend the meetings of my Assembly. It was an arduous process but by the end of the second week, the results had started to show. I studied and mastered five different Remnantian martial arts, continued to develop my mastery over my dark and elemental magic and I discovered methods on how to combine all the different Semblances I had claimed for myself over the years to create devastating attacks and formidable defences. My training would've been fatal to any ordinary man but not me. I took on horde after horde of Grimm, the smallest horde reaching a count of two-hundred creatures at once. Then came the final horde I was to face for the day, which meant it was the largest one, a horde of eight hundred and fifty. I waited for them to come in close before starting my attack. I struck Ragnarok into the floor and two blood-red glyphs appeared; one at my feet and one beneath a small chunk of the horde. The glyph cast a curse upon them, restricting their movement and eating away at their flesh. I redirected my focus onto the rest of the horde, continuously slashing my swords through their bodies before they dissolved into black mist. Forcing five of them into the air with a quick burst of ice from the ground, I blasted them with a large fireball once they had fallen back down to my level, incinerating them in the process. I then leapt into the air when dodging an attack from a Beowolf, jumping off its head, and shocked half of the remaining horde with my dark magic-charged electricity before reducing them all to ashes with a final wave of dark energy fired from my right hand. With my training for the day complete, I floated elegantly to the ground. Then, the doors opened.

Afton: "Spectre, are you in here-? OH, DEAR GODS!!!"

Afton immediately sank to the ground once he set foot in the training room because before I started my training, I had Watts construct a machine that controls the intensity of the gravity in the room using gravity Dust to change it; it would put my body under more strain to push me harder. It was set to ten times normal gravity but I had gotten used to it after a while, although, I could not say the same for Afton so I turned off the machine, causing him to let out a sigh of relief. I felt as light as a feather once the gravity returned to its regular strength.

Spectre: "What is it, Afton?"

Afton: "W-Well, you've been locking yourself in here without telling us your intentions so I came in to inquire about that but judging from the state of this place, I don't think I'll need many guesses."

Spectre: "So, I'm trying to push myself further. What's so wrong with that?"

Afton: "Nothing, we just find it a bit concerning that you're still asking for more."

Spectre: "That's because I need more, Afton."

Afton: "But, Spectre, aren't you satisfied with what you already have? You have the great power of a Grimm Monarch-"

Spectre: "Yes, I do, but it's not enough! I see that now. This power that I have inherited from my previous master, it's clouded my mind; I've foolishly allowed myself to think I'm invincible. But, I can assure you, my friend, that I will not make that same mistake again. My encounter with the Blackbird has shown me my weaknesses and I will continue to harness that knowledge wisely in my training."

Afton: "With all due respect, Spectre, you do have other priorities right now. We cannot govern Remnant by ourselves, none of us knows what we're doing, we need your council as well."

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