Volume 11, Chapter 7 - Freedom Run

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(Y/N's P.o.V)

Morale was relatively high during the days after the Vytal Festival. We felt accomplished, our students were working harder than ever with bright smiles on their faces; the academy was working like a well-oiled machine. Everyone seemed to have a bit more spirit in them after our great achievement. I was sat in the academy's entrance hall, dressed in my best formal wear, writing another entry in my diary. Every time I read the older entries, I find myself completely complexed that I was still alive but after looking back over everything that has happened to us, good and bad, I felt like we had done our duty; we had shown everyone that there will always be hope in even the darkest of times. We had quite a few narrow scrapes as well, now that I think about it. I would need a calculator to count how many times I've nearly died. I think Ozpin must've been watching over us throughout those years. That's the only explanation I can think of as to why the Hell our hearts were still beating after the war ended. But the risk was worth it to protect our home from the Empire. And we didn't do it for glory or to impress pretty girls, we did it because it had to be done and to make sure that it would never have to be done ever again. As I was finishing up the last parts of my newest entry, Ryan called to me.

Ryan: "Hey, (Y/N)! We're having a game night in the Masquerade Common Room, we're gonna watch Cinder play Dead Space. She claims games aren't scary so we made a bet that she wouldn't jump or scream once, otherwise she'd have to wear the Hat of Shame."

(Y/N): "The Hat of Shame?"

Ryan: "Yeah, an umbrella hat. It's more her reaction I'm looking forward to. Do you wanna come watch?"

(Y/N): "That does sound hilarious, Ryan, but I can't, I have a date."

Ryan: "A date?"

(Y/N): "Yes, I'm taking Ruby out for dinner."

Ruby: "(Y/N)!"

(Y/N): "Coming, darling!"

I gave Ryan my diary to store away in my room and left the building, walking onto the main avenue. There, I smiled and blushed when I saw Ruby dressed in an elegant dark red dress, black high heels, with small, crystal, droplet-shaped earrings and a silver necklace with her emblem on it around her neck. She had the perfect blend of beautiful and downright adorable that sent my heart fluttering. We took each other's hands and walked towards the landing pads. I took her to a really fancy restaurant in New York, it was one of the top places to go - I can't mention the business' name in this account, obviously, but just think of the typical high-class restaurant you find in the movies and you get the idea. Instead of the usual backlash from Earthlings seeing a Remnantian, even if they were in Amnesty Academy, we received smiles and clapping from everyone inside. We gingerly nodded back and smiled, I whispered over to Ruby as we were shown to our table.

(Y/N): "Nice to have a bit of respect for a change, huh?"

Ruby: "We did it."

We sat down at our table and soon enough, we were brought a complimentary bottle of wine! We were enjoying the special treatment we were getting and planned on milking it as much as we could.

Waiter: "Château d'Yquem, with compliments of the house."

(Y/N): "Really?"

Ruby: "Thank you so much, that's so nice of you."

Waiter: "Would you care to see the menu?"

I was so tempted to say "Yeah, I think I should, I'll probably be too pissed to read in half an hour." but with the setting, I held myself back and we both took menus from the waiter. Unfortunately, there was a problem.

(Y/N): "Ah... I love the design. Very elegant. Don't you think so, Ruby?"

Ruby: "Y-Yeah. It's all in French as well, yes... don't understand a word of it..."

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