Volume 10, Chapter 10 - "Coming Round the Mountain"

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(Y/N's P.o.V)

I was shaken awake in my tent by Ruby the next day. I slowly opened my eyes and looked up into her hysterical eyes, which forced me awake in a slight panic as to what could have made her so worried.

(Y/N): "Ruby? What's wrong?"

Ruby: "Come on, get up! (BF/N) and Tom have gone loopy!"

(Y/N): "What are you talking about?"

Ruby: "I'll show you! Come on!"

(Y/N): "Alright, alright! At least, let me get dressed."

Ruby frantically apologised and ran out of the tent once she realised I wasn't decent. Rolling my eyes, I unwillingly pulled myself out of my sleeping bag and slipped on my clothes before I left the tent. When I made my way over to where the vehicles were, what awaited me was a sight that sent me into absolute confusion. Tom's McLaren now had incredibly massive tyres attached to metal rods that attached to the axles and (BF/N)'s Cortina had been placed on tall, metal stilts with the tyres on the bottom! They seemed quite happy with their work. However, everyone else was just staring at them, not sure what to make of it. I was the first to break the silence.

(Y/N): "What the Hell have you done?!"

(BF/N): "This, my friends, is the work of two geniuses."

(Y/N): "Is it?"

Weiss: "That is, without a doubt, the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen and ever will."

Blake: "With a sense of dread... why?"

Tom: "Well, we checked the racing route and after a quick drive down the Sovereign Highway, we're heading back into the mountains. So, we've come prepared this time because as we know from (Y/N)'s display on that boulder yesterday, the last thing you want on a mountain road is a low-riding race car. Watch this."

Then, Tom climbed into the cockpit of his car and pulled a small lever on the dashboard. The McLaren was raised and lowered via the rods on the axles moving up and down, allowing Tom to increase and decrease ground clearance at will. He climbed out, grinning as if he had just won the lottery.

(Y/N): "So, those are your solutions to the rocky roads, are they?"

(BF/N): "What's wrong with them?!"

(Y/N): "Well... low bridges? Forest roads? Narrow mountain passes?"

Yang: "Not to mention that you've probably ruined the handling, the ride, the-"

(BF/N): "Relax! Stop poking holes in our amazing modifications!"

Ruby: "Uh... that is pretty tall, (BF/N)..."

(BF/N): "Thank you!"

Ruby: "You... you do know how tall it actually is, right...?"

(BF/N)'s face immediately dropped when Ruby asked him that question. I managed to hear him mutter "No, I don't." under his breath before he answered her.

(BF/N): "Yes, I do, thank you."

I shook my head and we all broke away from the two crazy morons I called my wingmen in this race to return to our own vehicles.

(Y/N): "He hasn't got a clue."

I climbed into the Tachyon and started the engine. I sighed as I watched the far too raised cars set off before me.

(Y/N): "Idiots..."


(Thomas Rowland's P.o.V)

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