Volume 2, Chapter 9 - "Mountain Glenn"

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(No one's P.o.V)

Meanwhile, back on Earth, the (Hometown) Police were trying all they can to find (Y/N) but they couldn't find a trace of him. This meant that they had to give up, much to the horrifying distress of his parents, especially his mother. They were broken when they heard that (Y/N) had gone missing but were in an even worse state now that they knew that (Y/N) wasn't going to be found. One night, (Y/N)'s dad was trying to comfort (Y/N)'s mother but, despite his best efforts, it led to no avail since her tears never stopped falling as she cried into his shoulder.

(M/N): *sob* "My little boy..."

(D/N): "H-Hey, shh... don't worry. He'll turn up... somewhere."

(M/N): "You're just saying that to make me feel better. You know what usually happens to people who go missing! (Y/N)'s not a fighter, he can't protect himself!" *sob* "Please say it's not true... he has to be alive..."

(D/N): "He is. Don't worry, (Y/N)'s alive and well somewhere. I can feel it. He may not be a fighter but he is a smart kid. He won't just give up, he's our son, after all. He's probably finding his way back home right now."

(M/N): "I hope so..."

Then, she embraced him even tighter and, as she looked up at the sky, she whispered one thing with the hope that (Y/N) would, somehow, hear her voice.

(M/N): "Come home soon..."

Back in Remnant...

(Y/N's P.o.V)

Mountain Glenn. It really was an eye opener to the reality of the world I was living in. Even though I was staring up at the sky, I could see a glimpse of sudden movement in the corner of my eye! When I turned to look however, I realised that it was just Ryan chasing after some small, weird-looking creature on the ground. Soon, it wriggled away into a crack on one of the walls, much to his irritation. Naturally, I was going to incline about what he was doing but Christine had beaten me to it.

Christine: "Ryan, what are you doing?"

Ryan: "Practicing my hunting skills. Trying to swat this damn Weevil Grimm! Little screwball keeps outsmarting me!"

Christine: "Well, they do have an IQ of two, Ryan."

I turned away from the two 'lovebirds', which Ryan was still oblivious to, and watched as the sun rose on the horizon, blanketing the sky in a warm orange glow. All I could think about was that subway tunnel and the crashing train, God knows how I had the courage to even go to Mountain Glenn. Actually, at the time, I couldn't tell if I was confident that the four of us could actually pull it off or if I was just being naive. Was I brave... or just stupid? The debate over that question that was being discussed in my head was then suddenly halted.

Brady: "Can I ask you a question, little buddy?"

(Y/N): "Huh? Oh."

I sat down on the floor by the fire, which was flickering and dying, and opened a can of soda that I had brought with me. I took small sips from the can as I listened to what Brady had to say.

(Y/N): "Sure."

Brady: "What's your planet like?"

Ryan: "Actually, that's a question I've been meaning to ask you as well."

Christine: "It would explain a few things."

(Y/N): "Okay then, everyone come sit down."

The two of them did as I said and sat down with Brady and I, Ryan opening his own soda can and drinking it in large quantities. Then, I felt Tooth snuggling up to me so I stroked him as I told my story.

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