Volume 10, Chapter 5 - "Just What The Doctor Ordered"

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(No one's P.o.V)

The Emperor of Remnant's time was up. The nanobots had almost finished their work. Spectre's illness had gotten so bad that he could not move all that much, he was confined to his bed. It hurt him that he was going to die like that, the mighty Grimm Monarch, Spectre, falling to an illness, than anything else. He wanted an honourable death, to die in combat like the other Huntsmen. But, his wish was just not to be. Zander, Sycamore and Watts, faking his sadness, had gathered around his bed in the master bedroom. He had lasted longer than Watts had originally calculated but the result was still the same. Their emperor kept on coughing and groaning as he started to feel his life slipping away from him. Zander and Sycamore were in tears, holding them back to try and show some small hint of strength. Then, for the first time that day, Spectre spoke.

Spectre: "W-Where... where is Afton? I... demand all of my friends are here... by my side."

Zander: "Forgive me, my Lord... I have no clue where he is..."

Spectre: "S-Sycamore..?"

Sycamore: "... Afton hasn't reported in for a while now, Sire... it's as if he's disappeared off the face of the planet."

Watts: "No, he hasn't."

Spectre: "W-What do you mean, Arthur?"

Watts: "My Lord... I have some tragic news, I'm afraid."

Spectre: "What?"

Watts: "Poor young Afton..."

Arthur turned away, forcing himself to cry to add some realism to the illusion that he was giving them. This made Spectre grow even more worried and impatient.

Spectre: "Y-Yes? What is it? Well, come on! Tell me!"

Watts: "His body was found by the Orbis Pass this evening, he's dead."

Spectre, Zander and Sycamore went completely silent, frozen in shock at the news. Spectre fell back to his bed with his hand over his eyes.

Spectre: "Oh-no... no, no, no, not Afton!"

Watts: "Try to stay strong, Sir."

Spectre: "I'm trying, Afton, but I can't help myself... Good Gods... Afton, what did you see in your final moments? Everyone, I don't care how my sendoff is organised, I order you to give Afton an excellent funeral! I couldn't live with myself if I didn't do anything for him before I... before I go."

Watts: "Of course, my Lord. Leave it to us, we'll make Afton is-"

Afton: "You might want to check the results of the post-mortem again, Doctor."

All of a sudden, the doors burst open behind them and Afton appeared in the doorway! He was battered and bruised, he had a black eye and blood was dripping from his teeth! He also had a shattered robot leg hanging over his shoulder. His blazing furious eyes pierced into Watts' as he supported himself against the doorframe.

Watts: "What the-?!"

Spectre: "AFTON!!! Y-You're alive!"

Afton: "I've got something to say about Doctor Watts here!"

Spectre: "What?"

Watts: "Ignore him, my Lord, he's suffering from trauma. Leave him with me and I'll get him to a rejuvenation chamber."

Afton soon shut Arthur up, though. He chucked the robotic leg away and strode towards Arthur.

Afton: "I have worked with Arthur here for a while now and always thought he was an incomparable genius and a great friend!"

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