Volume 9, Chapter 3 - "War Is What Divides Us"

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(Vanessa Rowland's P.o.V)

Training alone. It had its benefits, but it also had its flaws. The benefit was that I could focus solely on bettering myself rather than having to fulfil my responsibility as a leader and motivate the other three members of my team, but the flaw was that I had to come to the gymnasium in the middle of the night when everyone had gone to sleep in their dorms. I was pretty much shattered already by the time I got there; a quick splash of cold water on my face from the showers sorted that out quickly. Once I had woken myself up, I tuned in to a random radio station on the radio - I think it was already preset to pick up Absolute 80s when it was switched on, probably thanks to (Y/N). But this was a good thing because a good few workout songs were being played, or at least that's how I interpreted them. It was just pop and rock songs and that was fine by me, especially when Burning Heart came on (one of my favourite oldies, plus it seemed fitting). I then began working out alone, first on the treadmill for a while before bench-pressing a set of weights. However, there was one more drawback to this training alone stuff, at least for me. Since I was alone, all I had for company was my mind and what my (so-called) friends said to me when I told them I was leaving to attend Amnesty Academy and become a proper, legitimate Huntress.

You want to go to Amnesty Academy? As in the place where all the freaks are going

Vanessa, I look at you and I see someone completely different to who I have hung out with all throughout high school!

You promised that you would give this freaky magic sh*t up and now you're going to a school for it?!

What, why?! You know what, I don't care. Just go but don't come crying back to us when it all falls through!

Fine! You want to turn yourself into a monster like them, fine by us.

Vanessa: "We are not monsters, I am not a monster!"

Every single word of the statements that kept on flooding my mind made me clench my fists harder on the bar of the weights I was bench-pressing. Then, all of a sudden, I stopped clenching when I realised that I was crushing the metal bar with just my sheer strength generated by my anger. Each fragmented crunch in the metal told a story to me of how I had changed so much. I immediately dropped the weights and looked at my hands.

Vanessa: "Holy hell..."

I then noticed that something about my body was different. I looked in the mirror and I knew something was off about me. I slowly took off my jacket and sure enough, my muscles had developed a lot more from what they used to be. I know this should not have come as much of a surprise to me considering that I had just crushed metal with my bare hands but... it's hard to explain, it's like when you look at a photo of you that was taken years and compare it to how you look in the present day, it was like that. They were right... I had changed. I wanted to cry but I forced my tears to remain within my eyes because I had already passed the point of no return. Now, I had a responsibility - no, more than that - I had a duty to keep going, not just for myself but for my teammates as well... for my brother. I had kept a photo of me and my old friends on my phone but I grimaced at it when I opened up my gallery and saw it.

Vanessa: "Sod you, then!"

I instantly pressed the delete button and put my phone to the side, face-down. I returned to the equipment I was using and started bench-pressing a new set of weights, one I hadn't ruined. However, with every push, I began repeating "I am a Huntress." to myself to motivate me into pushing harder. With my undivided focus on that, though, I did not notice that my grip on the bar was slipping!

Vanessa: "I am a Huntress. I am a Huntress. I am a Huntress-! AH!!!"

It finally slipped and my fingers gave way! I dropped the set of weights behind my head and as a result, my fingers bent backwards further than they were intended to! The top sides of my fingers touched the top side of my hands!

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