Volume 1, Chapter 3 - "A... Strange Initiation"

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(Y/N's P.o.V)

My eyes opened and shut as I struggled to wake up. After another night of nightmares, I guess my brain had finally fried, said "Screw it!" and didn't bother to wake me up! Thanks friend! I slowly got up and climbed out of my sleeping bag, only to trip over it and fall flat on my face immediately after. I then felt a strange vibrating in my pocket but it turned out to be my scroll, I bought one by trading in my phone. Apparently, I could pretend that it was a machine of infinite wisdom and people would believe me and trade anything for it... but then again the guy was pretty plastered that night. I had my scroll personalised especially for my own tastes. It was (SC 1) with (SC 2) trims and, instead of the regular diamond-shaped activation button, it had a (F/C) (Symbol) in the center when it was deactivated, which was currently flashing because I had set an alarm on it. I turned off the annoying alarm and put my boots and coat back on, I looked around and saw some of the other students getting up as well. I looked at the time and saw that it was almost time for our Initiation!

(Y/N): "Crap! Why am I always late for everything?!"

I dashed over to the Locker Room and, when I saw the time on a clock inside it, I saw that I had accidentally set my scroll ten minutes earlier than I needed to! Still, this did give me time to make myself look at least a little presentable. A few minutes later, I noticed two familiar voices whilst I was walking to my locker, Lie Ren and Nora Valkyrie. Ren had magenta eyes and long black hair tied into a ponytail that ended midway down his back, it also had a magenta streak in it on the left side. He wore a dark green, diagonally-buttoned, long-sleeved tailcoat with black and gold trims and pink cuffs on the end of the sleeves. Alongside him, Nora wore a collared black vest with a symbol of a hammer with a lightning bolt on the back. Under the vest were two layers of clothing, colored red and light-blue respectively. She also wore a turquoise bow at the back of her skirt. She also wore a white sleeveless top with a tiny heart shape cut out over her chest, white detached sleeves, a short pink skirt and her shoes had a mix of pink and white with pink laces, displaying her emblem on their soles. Ren was loading his signature weapon, known as StormFlower, while Nora kept on talking and talking.

Nora: "I know! We'll have some sort of signal! Like a distress signal!" *gasps* "A secret signal so we can find each other in the forest! Can you imitate a sloth?"

Ren: "Nora?"

Nora: "Yes Ren?"

Ren: "I don't think sloths make a lot of noise."

As Ren sheathed his weapons into his sleeves, Nora thought about what he said for a moment before speaking again.

Nora: "That's why it's perfect! No one will suspect we're working together!"

Ren: *smiles* "Come on Nora, let's go."

Nora: "Not 'together-together'..."

She then giggled and they both headed out together, Nora skipping behind him. As they passed me, I smiled and thought to myself.

(Y/N): ("Not 'together-together'? Yeah sure. Just keep telling yourself that...")

As I reached into my pocket for the key to my locker, I saw that Ruby and Yang were only a few lockers down from mine.

Ruby: "Wonder what those two are so worked up about?"

Yang: "Oh, who knows? So, you seem awfully chipper this morning!"

Ruby: "Yep! No more awkward small talk or 'getting-to-know-you" stuff. Today, I get to let my sweetheart do the talking."

She sighed happily as she softly stroked Crescent Rose. I must admit, I did stare a little from this strange act. I mean, I knew she liked weapons but God not that much?! She noticed me staring at her stroking her scythe and turned away after she turned red from embarrassment.

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